My Anal Cowboy

My Anal Cowboy by Tasha Temple Page A

Book: My Anal Cowboy by Tasha Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tasha Temple
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
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hadn’t been in the mood after last night.   She still couldn’t get the vision of having that kind of sex out of her mind.  
    Lily sighed.   She had a week alone now, not that she minded as she had plenty to do, books to read, maybe even some riding to do.   Their ranch was isolated but also peaceful and beautiful.   She would miss Ted but it would be a productive time.
    She put away the last of the breakfast dishes and glanced out the window again, squinting.   A small speck of dust appeared in the distance.   She watched it grow larger before she realized it must be a car coming down the long drive that led to the ranch.   Ted must have forgotten something and was returning for it.   She wiped her hands on a blue and white checkered towel and went to greet him.
    Lily left the white-painted front door ajar, pushed open the screen door and stepped onto the covered porch.   Whoever was making the cloud of dust was driving fast.   Ted never drove that fast.   It must be something very urgent.   She stared in astonishment as a full-size pickup with an open bed pulled up near the house and rattled to a stop, its tires skidding in the dirt, dust settling around it.   It was an older model truck, faded red and slightly rusted.
    After a few moments the driver door opened and a tall well-built man wearing blue jeans, boots and a plaid shirt stepped out unhurriedly.   The man reached in the cab, retrieved a black cowboy hat from the front seat, and swung the door shut effortlessly behind him.   He slowly settled the hat on his head as he surveyed the ranch.   His eyes fell on Lily as his gaze drifted over the house and he began walking toward the porch where she stood.
    Her heart began to pound in her chest as he approached.   Who was this?   They had help on the ranch – there were often other hands around – but she had never seen this man before.   She didn’t think he was an intruder, at least not in the middle of the morning, but Ted hadn’t mentioned anything about another worker on the property.   Even so anyone looking for work always saw Carlos first, the ranch boss, who lived at the other end of the property.   But this stranger was coming right up to the main house.   Maybe he wasn’t here for work?
    Lily took a deep breath, wiped her palms on her knee-length skirt and took the three steps down from the porch to the front walkway.   Whoever it was she didn’t want him coming right up to the door.
    “Hello, ma’am,” the stranger said as he neared, removing his hat and holding it to his chest.   He looked at her with bright brown eyes that sparkled with a hint of mischievousness.   He hitched his other hand in his wide black belt as he stood easily on the front walk.
    His hair was brown and slightly wavy, his face tan, young and handsome.   His shoulders were strapping, strong and wide.   He wore a red button-down shirt, jeans and black leather cowboy boots.   She glimpsed his sculpted chest through the flaps of his shirt, loosely unbuttoned to his sternum.   The outline of his thighs was visible through his tight jeans and at his crotch – the bulge was huge, just huge.   Lily quickly averted her eyes, flushing deeply.   God he looked like something that just stepped out of the pages of a magazine.
    She started to say something but her throat felt tight and all that came out was a squeak.   Embarrassed she cleared it, her gaze shifting nervously between his eyes and his sensuous mouth.
    “Is there – is there something I can help you with?” she asked, trying to keep her eyes steady and her voice from wavering.
    “Would you be Mrs. Stranton?” he said with a pleasant drawl.
    Lily felt her knees weaken at his voice.   She grabbed onto the porch railing to steady herself, trying to make it look as if she was merely resting her hand on the banister.
    “Yes.   I am,” she answered.   Her voice sounded ridiculously high as if it didn’t even belong to her.

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