crowned with confectionary tiaras.
“That’s darling,” Elizabeth said. “Very clever.”
“The cool thing is, I’ll keep duplicate photos in the shop and hang them on the walls. That way, I’ll have samples for other customers to examine as I’m building my client base.”
Her mom’s face glowed warmly. “I’m so proud of you for thinking this out.”
“I knew I’d get around to something eventually. My mind had just been too cluttered to see the whole thing through.”
“What helped clear it?”
“A bit of fresh air.”
“Have you ever noticed that when you’re outdoors—like biking or something?–you can think that much better?”
“No, I can’t say that I have.” She shrugged and smiled brightly. “The important thing is, it’s worked for you. I’m so happy for you, Connie. After all this time, you’re finally on your way.”
Six months later, Mac stood with satisfaction outside his new storefront. He’d worked hard to obtain the bank loan, but the interest rate he’d secured was a good one, and he had no doubt he’d be turning a profit shortly. He heard a happy bark and spun in surprise to see Hank ambling up from the parking lot. Well, what do you know? Carting a little Labrador puppy, with a bright red ribbon tied around its neck.
“What’s this?” he asked as Hank approached.
“A little house-warming gift.”
Mac was immediately taken in by the huge puppy paws and big brown eyes. He accepted the dog, scratching it under the chin. “Hey there, little guy. What’s your name?”
“Chance,” Hank said with a grin. “The Second.”
The pup wiggled up to lick Mac’s face, and a lump welled in his throat.
“Thanks, man…” He slapped Hank’s arm, steeling his emotions. “You’re the best.”
Hank’s gaze swept across the store’s façade. “Looking good. When do you open up?”
“First of next week.”
“That’s awesome. Congrats.”
The dog gave Mac another puppy kiss, and he laughed heartily, snuggling it close. “You really were crazy nice to do this.”
Hank surveyed his friend. “Got plans for the rest of the afternoon?”
“Me and Chance?” Mac asked with a laugh. “Not really.”
“Then let’s drive into town. Grab a cup of coffee.”
“Hank,” Mac said with a grin. “You’ve got a date.”
Hank chuckled, patting the puppy’s head. “It’s about time.”
As they approached the café district, Hank said, “There are a lot of new places that have opened up around here. Just let me know when you want to stop.”
Mac held the puppy in his lap, seeing Hank was right. There were a number of shops he didn’t recognize, including one with its front window filled with photographs of… Wait a minute. Food? Something vague tugged at the back of his mind, but he wasn’t sure what.
“ Sugar Shots?” he said to Hank. “Have you heard of that one?”
“Is it a coffee shop?”
Mac didn’t know, but for some reason, the name intrigued him. “How about we check it out?”
“Sounds good to me,” Hank said, pulling into the next vacant parking space.
When Mac and Hank entered the store, they saw it was a cute bakery. They did sell coffee and lattes and cappuccinos…and chai, along with a whole host of miniature confections, ranging from cupcakes to little iced scones. It was a small operation, with a smattering of tables for two near the big front window. Only a few of them were occupied by well-coiffed ladies swapping gossip over java and tiny jelly donuts. No one was behind the counter at the moment. But one of the ladies assured them the owner would be right out, as she oohed and aahed over Mac’s puppy. “We’ll have to ask about the dog,” Hank said.
Mac noted two empty tables on the sidewalk beside the shop’s door. “It’s all right. We can sit outside.” He cradled the puppy in his arms and scanned the framed pictures on the walls. That was when it hit him. The name of the woman who loved taking
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