Music Notes
with Troy a few stories of Eli and my mom. It actually feels pretty good to talk about them. It’s as if they’re closer than they actually are. Sharing stories and a few laughs makes me feel relaxed for the first time since I arrived in Los Angeles.
    “Promise me that if you ever find yourself in St. Louis, you’ll look me up,” Troy says.
    “I will. As long as you promise to come and visit me in Chicago someday,” I agree with a smile.
    “Deal. Patti and I have always talked about going and seeing the Sears Tower, or whatever it’s called now.”
    I leave the dining room after lunch feeling lighter than I have in days. Troy is a great man and I can tell exactly what kind of husband and father he is just by interacting and talking with him. I hope his family knows how lucky they are to have him in their lives.
    And I’m lucky to have him as a friend.
    “She hasn’t practiced at all, Beau.” Shawna screeches next to me at an ear-piercing volume, and I’m about point two seconds away from shoving my size seven up her ass. “She’s not taking this as seriously as I am.”
    I exhale in and out, deeply. “I practiced all afternoon, but I’m having a hard time with this run,” I defend, looking up at our coach.
    Beau is standing at his music stand directly in front of us with his arms crossed over his broad chest wearing his signature black Stetson, a tight white t-shirt, and those delicious Wranglers. He’s pure sex in his dark leather cowboy boots. He makes my girly parts stand up and salute every time we’re in the same room together.
    “It’s a challengin’ run, Shawna. But I know Layne can do it. That’s why I wanted her to do this part,” he says in that sexy, deep southern accent. “Let’s run it again. Layne, I want you to take a breath here,” he says as he walks over and points down at my music sheet. “That should give ya enough juice to nail the run. Don’t think about anything other than those last two notes. You got this, darlin’.”
    When he uses the term of endearment, my insides turn to gooey mush. Of course, I’m not the only one he calls darlin’ or sugar, but when he says it to me, I feel those eyes of his piercing my body with their intensity. And don’t get me started on his scent when he invades my space. Beau Tanner does things to my body that are illegal in half the states of this country.
    We run through the troublesome part of the song several more times. Each time, I do what Beau instructed and clear my mind, concentrating on those last two notes. His tips and suggestions are welcome and definitely helpful. I’ve always enjoyed singing, but I have no professional education or training. It’s just something I’ve loved to do in high school plays or in the car. So, I feel like I’m way behind everyone else that’s here. It’s like they all know so much more than I do. We’re two days in and I’m already struggling.
    “There. That’s better. You’re gettin’ it, darlin’,” he says with a smile and a wink. “Shawna, let’s run through the second refrain one more time before our time’s up.”
    Shawna sings effortlessly next to me. She actually has a very beautiful voice, light with just enough of that southern twang. Too bad what’s on the inside is as ugly as dog shit. Messy too.
    “I think we made great progress today, ladies. I’m flyin’ out tomorrow morning for shows and won’t be back until early Monday mornin’. We’ll meet on Monday here, and I believe Tuesday will be inside the arena we use for live shows. Gabby will probably get you the schedules soon,” he says. “Any questions?”
    Hearing none, Beau indicates that he wants to speak with Shawna privately. Though I can’t hear what they’re saying, the sound of her teasing cackle sends an uneasy ripple through my body. It’s almost…jealousy. Which is completely crazy because I have no reason to be jealous. I am nothing to Beau, and he sure is nothing to me other

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