Murder with a Twist

Murder with a Twist by Allyson K Abbott

Book: Murder with a Twist by Allyson K Abbott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson K Abbott
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my hunch is right about my earlier reaction to looking at it and the lack of any similar reaction now, I’d venture to guess that it was changed pretty close to the time that we were all here earlier. Maybe the victim changed it before he was killed, but given how much time I imagine it must have taken to stage his supposed suicide, and how long we know my reactions typically last for something like this, I doubt it.”
    Duncan gaped at me like I’d just said the most inane thing he’d ever heard. For a moment, I thought I’d made a fool of myself somehow, but then he grabbed me by the shoulders and said, “Mack, you’re a bloody genius!”
    We heard voices then, and Duncan went over to the door to meet with Jimmy, who had arrived with Theo, Will, and Cindy. I stayed inside the apartment while they talked outside in the hallway and, after a few minutes, Duncan came back inside with the threesome in tow.
    â€œWhere is Shelly?” I asked Duncan.
    â€œShe said she couldn’t do it. She didn’t want to come back here. She’s gone to stay at her mother’s place in Wauwatosa.”
    Theo looked scared; his eyes darted back and forth nervously. Will and Cindy, on the other hand, appeared cool, calm, and indifferent.
    Duncan turned to Cindy first. “When was the last time you were here?”
    Cindy scrunched her face in thought for a few seconds and then said, “I don’t know . . . a week or two, maybe.” She turned and looked at Will. “When did Dan invite us over for that pizza thing?”
    â€œTwo weeks ago Friday,” Will said.
    Cindy turned to Duncan with a smug smile and said, “There you go, detective.”
    I couldn’t tell if she was lying. Her flame flared for a few seconds before settling back down. The only thing I was sure of was that she was a smooth operator who didn’t rattle easily.
    Duncan turned to Will. “How about you, Will, when were you last here?”
    Will thought a moment and said, “Monday, I think. Yeah, Monday. I gave Dan a ride home because his car was in the shop. He invited me in for a beer. I didn’t stay long . . . maybe an hour or so.”
    I had a strong sense that Will was telling the truth. The taste of his voice stayed consistently sweet, no more bitterness.
    â€œHow about you, Theo?” Duncan asked. “When were you here last?”
    His facial muscles started to twitch and he hesitated for a second or two. “Um . . . I think . . . it was last week some time.” The sweet cream taste of his voice, and consequently his credibility, became spoiled.
    â€œHave you ever used this bathroom?” Duncan asked, pointing toward the room.
    Theo’s eyes shifted even faster and I could tell he was trying to analyze his answer before he gave it. Was that because he was afraid? Guilty? Both? I’d been feeling a bubbly, watery sensation on my arms and legs, as if they were immersed in carbonated water. At first it was very faint, but it had gotten progressively stronger as the amount of sweat dripping off Theo’s face increased. At the moment it felt like a spa tub jet.
    â€œYeah, I’ve used it,” Theo said, trying unsuccessfully to not look rattled by the question. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
    â€œWe just want to know where we might expect to find your fingerprints,” Duncan explained in a calm, relaxed voice. The bubbly sensation eased as I saw Theo sigh with relief, but it was a short-lived reprieve. “Ever take a dump in there?” Duncan asked. He was still using his buddy tone and he smiled and tried to look abashed, I assumed to put Theo at ease. But it had the exact opposite effect.
    â€œThat’s very personal,” Theo said.
    Will scoffed a laugh, but Cindy was staring at Theo with a laser-sharp focus and a very intense expression.
    â€œSometimes we have to get personal,” Duncan said. “So, I’m

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