Murder of a Botoxed Blonde
“Any instructions from the chief?”
    “Nope. Far as I know we’re just rounding people up and keeping an eye on them for now.”
    “Any ETA on the state crime scene techs?” Skye gestured to her robe. “Special Agent Vail won’t let me change until they okay it.”
    Anthony frowned at the other woman. “The chief wouldn’t like her treating you that way.”
    “Probably not, but he’s busy and it isn’t that important.” Skye pointed to the front door. “Anyway, I think the crime techs just walked in.”
    “Good. I’ll make sure they know the special agent wants you processed ASAP.” Anthony gave Skye a conspiratorial wink before joining the new arrivals.
    Skye let him go, hoping he wouldn’t get in trouble for helping her, but pretty sure Special Agent Vail had little power with the Scumble River PD.
    Anthony had nabbed one of the techs and walked him over to where Skye was standing. A split second later, Special Agent Vail noticed the other crime technicians who were still standing by the door, and went to greet them. Skye’s attention was split between both scenes. It looked as if the agent was introducing herself to the men. That was odd. If they all worked for the state police, shouldn’t they know her?
    Skye shrugged inwardly. Maybe the special agent was new or had worked in a different part of the state. She brought her attention back to the important matter at hand, the man standing in front of her.
    She introduced herself to the tech, explained she worked for the Scumble River PD, described finding the body, and told him about Ronnie’s order regarding her clothes.
    When he nodded his understanding, she asked, “So, I really want to shower, and get into clean dry clothes. What do we need to do to make that happen?”
    The tech scratched his head, looked back at where Ronnie stood, and said, “Excuse me, ma’am. I’ll be right back.”
    Dang. Skye frowned. She had hoped to go over the special agent’s head, but the tech was too well trained.
    He was back a minute later with Ronnie in tow. “All we really need is your clothing,” he said. “Special Agent Vail here will go with you to your room to collect them.” He handed her a folded plastic bag with a twist tie taped to the side.
    “Can we do it right now?” Skye asked.
    “Yes. Let’s get it over with.” Ronnie marched toward the main staircase without looking to see if Skye was following.
    Skye hurried to keep up with the other woman.
    Once they were inside Skye’s room, Ronnie pulled off the twist tie, and shook open the bag, then ordered Skye, “Put everything you’re wearing in here.”
    Skye tried to take the bag from the woman’s hand, but Ronnie jerked it away. “I need to see you put the clothing in the bag.”
    “I have to get naked in front of you?” Skye could feel a massive dose of mortification about to be administered.
    Ronnie surprised her. “None of us has a perfect body. Just strip.”
    Skye looked at the special agent. Now that she mentioned it, Ronnie was no size eight either. Still, she was a couple of sizes smaller than Skye. “Could you close your eyes?”
    “Come on. You have a terrific life—a great job, loyal friends, loving relatives, and a wonderful and handsome guy who clearly adores you, since you’re all he can talk about. The police chief must think your body looks pretty hot. Why don’t you?”
    Skye didn’t have an answer to that. She thought she had overcome her need to be thin to feel beautiful, but this hostile stranger had more understanding about what really mattered in life than Skye herself did.
    After handing over her robe and swimsuit, and the plastic bag with the towel, Skye escaped into the bathroom. When she finished her long awaited shower, and peeked into the bedroom, Special Agent Vail was gone and Skye could dress in peace.
    Choosing what to put on was another matter. She hadn’t packed much, since she was planning to be in either her swimsuit or sweats for most of the

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