Murder Goes Mumming

Murder Goes Mumming by Charlotte MacLeod Page B

Book: Murder Goes Mumming by Charlotte MacLeod Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte MacLeod
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did appear to be a competent housekeeper and a bit of a diplomat in spite of her clothes and her voice. That hoydenish manner might well be an outlet for frustration, or else a valiant though nerve-wracking way of fighting back at the cold and the solitude. There were many kinds of courage, and human personalities could be a very mixed bag.
    Finding a husband couldn’t have been any cinch for May. Had Herbert come here to be steward, as Squire so grandly called him, and then fallen in love with the stay-at-home eldest daughter? Or had the job been used as bait to lure and keep him here? And was it in truth May he cared for, or a soft berth on a lavishly run estate? Herbert got paid well, no doubt, for whatever services he rendered. Squire could afford to be generous, since it was not his own substance he was dispensing. Perhaps that was why Cyril had started twisting the knife so viciously. It must have been a shock to learn he’d spent his lifetime drinking up his own estate instead of his father’s. Rhys pushed back his chair and politely declined the offer of a cigar in the library.
    “I have to take the little woman for an airing. Janet and I thought we’d put on snowshoes and stroll around the house. We still haven’t seen what Graylings looks like from the outside, you know.”
    “So you haven’t. By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask whether you went so far as to charter that helicopter just to come up here. We’d be terribly honored if you did,” said Squire.
    “No, I’m afraid we only hitched a lift with a friend,” Rhys confessed. “He’s going to pick us up, by the way, in case you’ve been wondering how we’re to get back.”
    “Not too soon, I hope?”
    “Actually I’m not quite sure. Either tomorrow afternoon or the morning after, I believe, if that fits into your plans. It will depend a bit on the weather, of course.”
    “Please feel free to stay as long as you like. We do have an emergency CB radio if you want to get a message through and the telephone lines aren’t working.”
    “I thought you might. This place is fantastically well equipped.”
    “Has to be. We never know when or for how long we’ll be snowed in, being off the main track as we are.”
    “But you have your own plow?”
    “It’s not up to heavy roadwork. We use it mostly to keep the drives open and the barns clear. You and Janet would do better to stick to the plowed areas. That way you can’t get lost.”
    “I expect we shan’t stay out long in any case. Come on, love, let’s get changed. Anyone care to join the party?”

Chapter 10
    N OBODY TOOK MADOC UP on his invitation. That suited him and Janet just fine. They put on the heavy clothes they’d traveled in, and found the woodshed where every kind of snowshoes from wide bearpaws to long, slim racing types were hanging. Madoc chose the reliable bearpaws from force of habit, while Janet picked out a pair that looked like her oldest nephew’s because those were the ones she usually borrowed.
    It was not paralyzingly cold out. There was no wind to speak of, so the snow didn’t drive into their faces like ice-coated bullets. By local standards, this might have been considered a fairly agreeable day. Madoc gave Janet a hand up over the drifts, and they started their walk.
    “Let’s keep near the house and just circle around it,” Madoc suggested. “Storms off the water can be tricky. I’ve a hunch we shouldn’t stray far.”
    “I was thinking the same thing.” Janet hadn’t made any move to withdraw her mitten from his, as why should she? “It will be getting dark soon anyway, and I’ve got to do something about our costumes for tonight.”
    “Jenny, you’re not expecting me to make an ass of myself?”
    “No, darling. I thought you could wear your dinner jacket and carry a little stick for a baton, and go as your father. I’ll make myself a tinsel crown and pretend I’m the Queen Mum.”
    “Leave it to you!”
    He laughed and managed to kiss

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