Mundahlia (The Mundahlian Era, #1)

Mundahlia (The Mundahlian Era, #1) by RJ Gonzales

Book: Mundahlia (The Mundahlian Era, #1) by RJ Gonzales Read Free Book Online
Authors: RJ Gonzales
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Turning the golden light into a deep orange that was now slowly fading into purple. I had long finished my meal and set the empty bowl and fork aside.
    The dense trees and shrubs hid the sight of exactly how deep this forest was. Great . I spotted the owls I’d listened to many nights, sitting high in the trees and hooting—setting the tone for the night that was upon us. It was getting too late. Only minutes of sunlight left. Probably only enough to make it home. Oh well , I thought. I tried .
    Just as I was about to stand, I heard a rustle—then Snap! The leaves of a bush shook violently, almost as if they were being shaken by hand. Then, from within the greenery, the same dark brown wolf from before, emerged—prowling about. Slowly progressing toward me—its teeth, hidden this time around. It was watching me carefully with every step it took—untrusting, as it hovered over to the meat.
    Sniff, sniff.
    I could hear its nostrils inhaling the ruby red meat. Then, it huffed. Almost arrogantly. Obviously displeased. Instead of eating the meat, it bit the end of the plate and jerked it off—chucking it at me. The cold, wet ball of muscle hit me in the chest and fell onto my lap—leaving stains behind.
    “Eww!” I screamed in disgust, tossing the meat aside. “What was that for? Jerk!”
    The wolf returned its intent gaze to me. As if my words had triggered something. Can it understand me? It began its previous stride towards me. Its heavy paws, each about the size of my hand, leaving groves of paw prints in the dirt with every step it took. I tried to move as far away as I could but hit the hard bark of the tree I was propped up against. The handle from the knife I had procured from the kitchen poked through my pocket. I gripped my hand around it, ready to strike at the moment I saw it making its move. But I cowered as its large shadow shaded me as it was now just inches away. We were face to face—again.
    I flinched and held up a hand to block my face. I’ve seen the movies. This is how it ends. The wolf tilts its head nicely and I’ll think everything is going to be okay, until it goes Cujo and rips my freaking face off.
    Sniff, sniff, sniff.
    The hot air between each sniff brushed against my fingers. I felt frozen—numb even. A warm, wet lap from the wolves tongue tickled my hand, leaving wet marks behind.
    Easing my hand down slowly, I faced the beast. It was panting and looking at me—tongue dangling out like an innocent dog. I held my hand closer to the wolf and watched as it sniffed the surface and licked it again. Was it a male or a female? I tilted my head to get a better look. Yup—a male.
    “Huh. You’re not such a big, bad, menacing, and sadistic wolf that could rip me to shreds in the matter of seconds after all, are you?” I motioned as if I were going to pet its long fur. His eyes flinched then he jerked away slightly, taking a few steps back, and debating whether or not he should let me. “Okay, I’m sorry.” I backed my hand away—watching him gaze into my eyes, seeking the trust I tried to show I should be given.
    Finally, after moments of thinking, it blinked and bowed its massive head—eyes closed, as if saying, “Go ahead.” The tips of my fingers met with the delicate fur. Like cotton candy with debris of small broken twigs and caked-on mud. A stench of sweat, musk, dirt, and a hint of that familiar scent all canines seem to have in common, circulated around the wolf. Dog? Was that the name of that scent? Sweaty dog?
    It opened its wide eyes to meet mine again. His gorgeous eyes, almost like a golden-brown, focused on my own for a moment. The wolf broke the gaze to lower its head. It gripped the bottom of my shirt with his teeth, stretching the fabric as he tugged back softly—trying to lift me up. It let go once I was standing and headed for the same area from which it came. Turning his head to make sure I was behind, the wolf trudged into the deeper part of the forest in a

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