Much Ado About Madams

Much Ado About Madams by Jacquie Rogers

Book: Much Ado About Madams by Jacquie Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacquie Rogers
    She didn’t want or need a man, especially if that man were Mr. Reese McAdams. She’d rather have the sniffles—at least they go away. But that near-miss-kiss just stayed and stayed. She cursed her body for wanting more as her knees turned to mush at the thought of what it would be like for his lips to touch hers.
    Well, she resolved, she just wouldn’t think about it. Nor would she think of his warm body sleeping next to hers. And she certainly wouldn’t think of his arousal nudging her back while they rode to Dickshooter. Absolutely not!
    Reese did have some redeeming qualities. He had hired her to teach the women in hopes that they’d gain respectable employment. At least, that’s what he claimed. It didn’t make sense, though, that a man would give away his livelihood. Maybe he really did want to be a rancher, build a cabin, and make bab...No, what a dreadful thought!
    She heard a knock on the door.
    “ Are you decent?” Fannie yelled from the other side. “I have Midas and Titus out here with your bath water and tub.”
    Lucinda opened the door and Fannie rushed in, directing the twins as she went. “Put the tub over by the wall, Midas, and go tell Sadie to bring up some towels. I forgot them.”
    Lucinda crossed her arms and glowered at the bossy madam. “I will not have Sadie take one step into this room!”
    “ Get over it,” chided Fannie. Midas left for his errand, despite Lucinda’s protest. “Titus, fill the tub and be on your way.”
    “ Yes, ma’am,” he said, smiling as he dumped a large bucket of steaming water into the tub. After he emptied the second, he picked up the first bucket, straightened, and winked at Lucinda.
    Winked! He obviously thought she’d let Reese... Perish the thought. She drew a deep breath, but it didn’t help.
    Fannie giggled. “Go on, Titus. Get out of here now.” After he’d shut the door behind him, she turned to Lucinda again. “You caused quite a ruckus showing up here in Reese’s duds. I’d say he was a lucky man, but he didn’t look none too happy to me.”
    Lucinda donned her sternest schoolteacher expression. “There’s no reason for him to be happy or unhappy. Nothing happened. My dress was wet, so he let me use his spare clothes. That’s it.”
    “ It don’t take no genius to know something happened. And if it didn’t, it should’ve.” She crossed her arms over her ample bosom.
    “ My bath water is getting cold.” Lucinda shot her best glare at Fannie. Fannie didn’t seem to have the slightest inclination of leaving the room until she knew everything that had transpired the previous evening.
    “ Strip off those men’s clothes and get into the tub. Maybe a good head-scrubbing will help relax you. It seemed to help the other day.” Fannie sprinkled rose petals in the bathwater.
    Lucinda sighed. She’d never, ever run into anyone as persistent as this woman. Who said prostitutes were down and out? Fannie could run the whole country’s railroads single-handedly. Lucinda started to unbuttoning her—Reese’s—shirt. “Turn around while I undress, please.” She fumbled with the buttons, inwardly cursing the person who decided men’s shirts should have the buttons on the wrong side.
    Fannie turned and faced the wall. After Lucinda sank under the water, Fannie walked over to the dresser and picked up the soap. “Dunk your head and I’ll get that mop of yours washed.”
    Lucinda did as instructed. She tilted her head back, feeling the weight of her hair lighten as the water bore it, and reveling in the warmth as she submerged. She closed her eyes when Fannie began softly massaging her scalp. “Hmmm.”
    “ Yup. Both schoolmarms and whores alike purr like kittens when someone gives ‘em a good head-scrubbing,” she heard Fannie mutter under her breath.
    After the second lather, Fannie rinsed Lucinda’s hair with clean water. “There’s a man visiting the area that ain’t good for young ladies. You’d be best off

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