Mr. Arrogant: A Billionaire Romance

Mr. Arrogant: A Billionaire Romance by Alexis Gold

Book: Mr. Arrogant: A Billionaire Romance by Alexis Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Gold
around them warmed just as swiftly as their bodies did, and as he kissed her deeply, his tongue entwined with hers, his lips pressing firmly over her lips, everything in them and around them seemed to catch fire. He moved her backward and pushed her up against the wall, his mouth taking hers over as he moaned and held his body to hers.
    Naomi had never been kissed as Jonathon was kissing her, and she felt as if she lost total control, as if she had surrendered everything in herself to him in that moment, and the only thing keeping her tethered to the earth at all was him. She moved her hands to his arms and felt the strength of his muscles there; muscles that were tensed and firm, holding her tightly as their embrace became impassioned. She had no thought in her except him and everything that was happening between them, until the elevator came to a stop and the bell rang.
    It seemed to yank her back from a sweet hot dream and into the cold harshness of reality. She pulled away from him, breaking his embrace, and he stared at her with slightly swollen lips and hungry eyes. He shook his head slightly in confusion and she took a step back, her heart aching for what she knew she could not have.
    She could not let him hurt her more than he already had. She could not become just another one of his work lovers. She pushed herself away from him fully and turned and bolted out of the elevator, leaving him standing there in a broken daze, staring after her for a moment before he broke into a run and began to chase after her.
    Rushing out into the daylight, she was overwhelmed by the chaotic noise of the city. Cars honked and rushed by, people bustled and yelled and talked, machines grinded and banged, and the rhythm of the city around her woke her totally from her reverie; from the steaming dream of being in Jonathon’s arms and kissing him.
    She heard his voice and turned to look over her shoulder. He was racing to her, calling out her name, but she turned away from him and reached for the door of a cab that was at the sidewalk near her. She climbed in and the cab pulled away from the curb just as Jonathon reached it. She wouldn’t let herself look back at him. Instead, she covered her face with her hands and felt the hot tears as they washed her fingers.

    Naomi stayed home from work the next day, calling Helen Klein to say that she wasn’t feeling well. She called in a second day and repeated her reason for staying home. She had not slept peaceably the first night that she went home after Jonathon kissed her. She couldn’t understand why he had kissed her, but the memory of it haunted her, the flames of desire and need had burned through her body instantly when his lips moved over hers, and she had lost something more of herself to him in that moment.
    The only reason that she could possibly conceive of that he might kiss her was that he had finally decided that he wanted her the way he had wanted all of his other women; all the other assistants and secretaries that had worked for him. She thought when she first started working for him that he might come on to her, but then as their relationship changed, she felt as though she had earned his respect and his trust, and even his friendship.
    His action in the elevator that day when he had taken her into his arms and kissed her so passionately, told her that he had not in fact come to respect her or the friendship that they shared. It seemed to her, in her afterthoughts, that he had only waited and bided his time until she was comfortable with him, and then he came on to her in her weakest moment, overpowering her will and her strength when she could not have fought him back or turned him down.
    She wondered if he knew how she felt about him. She wondered if she was as transparent to him as she felt she was to herself. Naomi thought that perhaps he had been around so many women that he had seen right through her the entire time and she wondered if it had all been a game

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