Morning Song: A Seeders Universe Novel

Morning Song: A Seeders Universe Novel by Dean Wesley Smith Page B

Book: Morning Song: A Seeders Universe Novel by Dean Wesley Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dean Wesley Smith
Tags: Fiction
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    “Full power and stable,” Fisher said.
    Roscoe had known that a moment before Fisher spoke.
    Around the room everyone cheered.
    “At full power,” Roscoe said, “how long until we reach full stop?”
    “Seven months and three days,” Hudson said from his station.
    The cheering stopped as the situation that both Roscoe and Maria knew already sank in.
    “ Morning Song ,” Maria asked. “May Chairman Mundy and I leave the chairs and possibly the ship and still be in contact with you?”
    Roscoe instantly knew that in the arm of his chair and Maria’s chair was a small needle that would implant a device to allow them to keep in contact with the Morning Song .
    “Please insert the device,” Roscoe said.
    “Yes, please,” Maria said.
    Roscoe felt a slight sting.
    “Everyone please do a full check of the systems attached to your panels,” Maria said.
    Roscoe and Maria both did the same, going over every detail of the ship to make sure that Morning Song was stable and slowing.
    Then Roscoe took the final precaution. “ Morning Song , is the ship stable and slowing?”
    “Do you see any signs of weakness in any system or engine?” Roscoe asked.
    No, but repairs need to be made after full stop.
    “We understand that,” Maria said. “And they will be done. Thank you.”
    “We are planning on taking a break now and working toward getting more help on board,” Roscoe said. “Do you see any problem with that?”
    No, but please return to the command chairs as soon as possible to continue your training and education.
    “We will,” Maria said.
    With that, Roscoe stood and pulled Maria gently to her feet. He could still feel he was connected, melded in a way with her in so many ways, ways he didn’t yet fully understand.
    She stood, still holding his hand.
    He could sense her reluctance to let go. Her beautiful golden eyes were almost swirling with all the new information.
    Around them the big Command Center was silent as everyone watched them.
    Finally, he nodded to her. And together they let go of each other’s hand.
    He could still sense her, still felt meshed with her, and could still feel all the systems in the big ship around them.
    She looked around, then smiled at him. “Seems you’re stuck with me for a while.”
    “For a lot longer than a while, I hope,” he said.
    At that, everyone in the big Command Center broke into cheers and applause and together, they turned to the crew and took a bow.

    “WE’RE GOING TO need to talk to Chairman Ray,” Maria said after the cheering died down.
    “He and everyone on his ship have been watching,” Callie said, smiling. “As best they can with the time deletion. We’ve been moving in real fast motion as far as they are concerned.”
    Roscoe laughed at the idea of that.
    Maria really didn’t want to just talk with Ray out in the open. And she could sense that Roscoe did not either.
    “ Morning Song ,” Maria said into the air. “Can we personally transport away from the ship and return?”
    On the wall-sized monitor in front of the room the word “Yes” appeared.
    “Will we still be in contact with you and the systems of the ship?”
    Again the word “Yes” appeared.
    “Thank you, Morning Song ,” Maria said.
    Maria knew from everything she had learned that normal procedure for a Morning Song crew was to leave at least five in the Command Center at all times. A pilot, a person at security, and three engineers.
    Roscoe knew that as well and turned to his second-in-command, Jonas, who had been assigned the security main post. “Stay at your post until I return.”
    Jonas nodded.
    Maria looked at Hudson. “Please stay at your station.”
    Hudson nodded, his eyes wide from all he had learned in the quick training. He was so eager to learn all the time and all this sudden knowledge must really be messing with his balance.
    “Callie, you have command while

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