Morgan's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Morgan's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dani April

Book: Morgan's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dani April Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani April
Tags: Romance
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on bare feet, she returned to the two men out in the living room.
    They had been waiting for her. She read the lust in their eyes as they watched her walk across the floor. It was slightly unnerving. Her body was all they saw.
    A crack of thunder sounded outside.
    Morgan realized both men were seated on her couch. They had taken up opposite ends. The room in the middle had been reserved for her.
    She sat down between them. This felt so normal. Nothing felt wrong about it when they each put an arm around her. Though somewhere in the back of her mind her conventional upbringing told her she should start feeling guilty right about now, she refused to listen.
    The TV flickered before them. No other light was on inside the house. Rain started to hit the roof outside.
    Morgan leaned her head back against Hunter’s chest. He was a rock of muscle beneath her as she got comfortable.
    She took a long swallow and looked up at Drake. He stroked her ankle and worked down to her foot. Morgan loved foot rubs, and Drake’s caring fingers promised to be quite nice in this department.
    She felt an explanation was in order even though she realized neither of the men probably needed one. Maybe when she spoke she was only speaking to convince herself.
    “Nathan may be home next month,” she started. “Or it may not be until next year. But I haven’t given up on him. I feel now more than ever that he will come home to me, and I’ll be waiting for him when he does.”
    “I believe he will.” Drake didn’t seem to doubt this. He kept rubbing her feet. Now he used both hands. God does that ever feel good .
    “I just want you guys to know that when he does come back…” Morgan stumbled over her words. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted to say.
    “Listen, Morgan,” Drake whispered to her in the dark. “The selfish part of me doesn’t ever want Nathan to come back. But I know he makes you happy. I know your future is with him.”
    Morgan looked up at Hunter. Her cheek still rested against his chest.
    “I feel the same way.” Hunter began to stroke her hair back off her forehead. He was gentle. His touch, combined with the foot rub Drake gave her, slowly began to calm her overwrought nerves.
    “I don’t want you to feel guilty.” Drake watched for a reaction.
    Morgan just shook her head. “Sorry. I can’t help it. A part of me will always feel this is wrong, and that I’m cheating on him.”
    “Nathan’s a shifter just like we are.” Drake hit a vulnerable tendon on the bottom of her foot and forced her to exhale.
    “Shifters believe in sharing.” Hunter gave her assurance as his hands ran along the back of her neck, down to her shoulders.
    “I know. Nathan wanted me to have other men take care of me when he was gone.”
    “You don’t have to worry about anything. The two of us are going to take real good care of you.” Drake lifted her foot in the air and planted a kiss between each of her toes.
    * * * *
    Hunter took Morgan’s hand and pulled her off the couch. “Come on.” It was time.
    He watched as Morgan exchanged an uncertain glance with Drake.
    “Go on.” Drake gave her a reassuring kiss on her wrist.
    He led her down the hall toward her bedroom. “I’m sorry I never fixed that leak in your roof.”
    “I don’t care about that now, Hunter.”
    “You should. With all the rain we’re having, your bedroom’s going to be soaked. Why don’t you show it to me?”
    Morgan opened the door to her bedroom and motioned for him to follow her inside. Sure enough, there was a drip coming down from the ceiling. The carpet was already wet.
    Morgan gave a shiver and hugged herself. “I really don’t care about this tonight.”
    Hunter gave her a kiss on top of her forehead. “I’ll get the stepladder. Don’t go away. I’ll be right back.”
    Hunter hurried back to her, and when he returned, he had the stepladder with him. “You might want to hold it for me while I go up there.”
    “This really

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