More Than This

More Than This by Shannyn Schroeder

Book: More Than This by Shannyn Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannyn Schroeder
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so. Good-bye, Nick.”
    “See ya later.”
    She put her key in the door and mulled over Nick’s words. Sure, Ryan was attracted
     to her, but it had been his idea to be friends. Did she misread his signals? It’s
     not like it would be a first. Getting involved with Ryan would be like setting up
     a train wreck. She was supposed to be looking for a summer romance. Someone who would
     be gone at the end of the summer, before she had a chance to ruin it. Ryan didn’t
     fit the bill. At least she didn’t want him to. She liked whatever they had going on
     and didn’t want to see it end.
    Outside Quinn’s loft, Ryan waited. She was home. Her car was parked in its usual spot
     behind the building. As he raised his finger to ring again, Quinn’s irritated voice
     crackled out of the speaker.
    “What do you want now?”
    He glanced quickly around looking for a camera he hadn’t noticed. None. She didn’t
     know it was him. “To return your phone.”
    “Oh.” The slight syllable was followed by a buzz releasing the lock.
    Ryan grinned as he imagined Quinn covering her face when she realized she snapped
     at him instead of whoever she thought he was. She left the door open for him, but
     he didn’t see her. “Quinn?”
    “Up here. I’ll be down in a minute.”
    He sat on the couch. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off played on the TV. True to her word, Quinn bounded down the steps and turned into
     the kitchen.
    “Hey. Thanks for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”
    He looked around but didn’t see the flowers.
    “I left them in my classroom. They brighten the institutional atmosphere. What made
     you pick daisies? They’re my favorite.”
    He quickly debated if he should reveal his source and decided against lying. “I asked
    “Oh.” She paused as she rattled around the kitchen, putting something on the stove.
     “And here I thought you were an incredibly good guesser.”
    “Sorry to disappoint.”
    She entered the living room and plopped on the couch near him. She was definitely
     warming up to him. The worn-thin T-shirt and shorts were far from her teacher clothes.
     Stretching her legs out, she rested her bare feet on the coffee table.
    “Unexpected flowers are never a disappointment.” Her smile was warm and genuine.
    “Who did you think I was?”
    “Huh?” Her eyes squinted and crinkled at the corners with the question.
    “At the door. You sounded pissed.”
    “Sorry. I thought you were Nick. He was outside when I got home.” She leaned back
     and a frown tugged the corners of her mouth.
    “What did he want?” He didn’t like that her ex found it acceptable to show up unannounced.
    “To apologize for last night.” She crossed her arms and stared at the TV.
    “When did you finally get him out of here?”
    She shrugged. “I didn’t.”
    “What do you mean?” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.
    “I tried for hours. Every time I thought I roused him enough, he’d flop back down.
     I gave up by midnight.”
    She still wouldn’t look at him. She was hiding something.
    “Why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come back.” He scooted closer to get her attention.
    “It wasn’t your problem.”
    Ryan touched her shoulder, drawing her eyes up. “Did he do something to you?”
    “No.” She followed her answer with a shake of her head.
    He felt the familiar niggle of fear clawing below his anger. Before he pressed the
     issue, a kettle whistled in the kitchen.
    “I’m getting tea. Do you want some?”
    “No, thanks.” He followed her and leaned against the counter while she made her tea.
     “He did something to upset you.”
    “He irritated me by crawling into my bed.” Her back was to him while she dunked her
     tea bag.
    Ryan moved without thinking. He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. “What happened?”
     His fingers tightened involuntarily and her eyebrows drew together.
    “None of your damn business.”
    “Oh.” He released her and

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