More Than One Night

More Than One Night by Marie Tuhart

Book: More Than One Night by Marie Tuhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Tuhart
Tags: Erotic Romance
wanted to do was make her cry.

Chapter Seven
    Beth fought against the tears. The freedom Jake was giving to her overwhelmed her, but it was more than that. His gentleness, his determination to make this good for her was causing the ice around her heart to melt, and fast. Jake wasn’t making sexual demands this weekend. He just wanted her company for the day. No pressure. Her dark-haired lover stood gazing at her, need in his eyes, but he wouldn’t act on it, not until she had her day of fun. She couldn’t remember a time when anyone ever asked her to be herself and spend time with them. Someone always wanted something from her and when they got it, they left.
    Just seconds ago when she’d told him she’d rather explore him, she fully expected to find herself in that big bed with him. But he hadn’t taken advantage. Instead, he turned her heart to mush.
    “Okay,” she whispered.
    “Okay, to the day. I want this day, too. I want to spend time with you.” Her breath hitched in her throat. She hadn’t realized how much she was looking forward to spending time with Jake. But the thought she might want more than one night with him still frightened and excited her.
    “That’s wonderful.” His green eyes brightened.
    “Yes, it is.” She cupped his cheek, enjoying the feel of his skin against hers. “I promised you today and I intend to deliver.”
    He rested his cheek in her hand before straightening. “Let’s get the show on the road.”
    He swung her into his arms and spun her around. Beth started laughing as Rose jumped and barked at them. “You too, Miss Rosie.” Releasing Beth, he leaned down and picked up Rosie’s leash before tucking her arm in his.
    Fifteen minutes later, they were seated at the Carmel Coffee and Cocoa Bar in Carmel Plaza. The smell of chocolate and coffee filled the air. Since it was almost noon, people milled around the tables talking and laughing. The Plaza was like a big outdoor shopping center, complete with Saks Fifth Avenue.
    “Where would you like to do first?” Jake asked.
    Beth set her café mocha on the table. “Can we walk around and see the sights?”
    “Good idea. Of course, we have to watch out for Miss Rosie.” He glanced to where Rosie sat outside the small restaurant watching them.
    “I’m surprised they let dogs in.” Her dog was being exceptionally well behaved today. “Even if it’s an outdoor mall.”
    “Carmel is very dog-friendly.” He drained his coffee. “Ready to explore and shop?”
    “Sure.” She drained her cup and stood. Not that she intended to do much shopping since she needed her money for more important things, like bills. With a shake of her head, she pushed the depressing thoughts away. Today was not a day to dwell on things she couldn’t control.
    After a few hours of window-shopping in the bright warm sun, Beth couldn’t believe how relaxed she was. Jake had taken her hand earlier and never let go. The simple gesture warmed her heart.
    They’d stopped at a small convenience store to get some water, when Beth realized she’d forgotten her toothbrush. When she finally found one she liked, Jake refused to let her buy it. They stood in the isle arguing, until he plucked it out of her fingers and paid for it.
    Outside the store she told him he didn’t need to buy it for her she had money. Jake kissed her on the nose and told her a tooth brush is a simple item and he wanted to buy her something she really needed. Beth tried to stay mad, but couldn’t. But inside, her gut clenched.
    “We have to go in here,” Jake said at the next store, pulling her to the doorway of a store.
    “Just a second.” She started to tie Rosie’s leash to a small tree.
    “It’s okay, Rosie can come with us.” He pushed the door open and guided them into the store.
    Her laughter rang out when she realized they were in a toy store. It not only catered to children but to adults as well. “So there’s still a little boy inside the

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