More Than Her

More Than Her by Jay McLean

Book: More Than Her by Jay McLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay McLean
see when I came home tonight was him standing in my living room.
    Logan Matthews.
    The guy I'd spent a year trying to forget. The guy I spent every day trying to avoid. And here he was. My new housemate.
    Unfortunately for me, Ethan was right. I had no choice. We needed the money or one of us had to quit college and go home.
    I was already late for work so I was frantically going through my dresser, trying to find my uniform, when there was a knock on my door.
    It was him. He walked in, closing the door behind him. Hands in his front pockets making the muscles on his neck and arms pop. He had that smug smile on his face.
    I continued going through my dresser, until I found what I needed. I put the short shorts on, which I hate to admit, cover just about the same amount as my underwear.
    He stayed silent.
    When I looked up at him, his eyes were trained on my legs. "Do you mind?" I said.
    "Nope." He just stood there, stupid smug smile still on his stupid smug face. "I don't mind one bit."
    Then he took two steps forward until we were chest to chest
    I looked at him confused, and then he brought his mouth down to mine, only I was faster this time and pushed him away before there was contact.
    "What the hell is wrong with you?"
    He chuckled.
    I hate that fucking chuckle.
    "I'm late for work. I need to get dressed, get out!" I pointed to the door.
    "I'm good here," he said.
    Asshole. "Fine!"
    I stripped my top off and got changed in front of him. I was wearing a sports bra so it wasn't a big deal. I didn't bother looking for his reaction as I went to my closet to change my shoes.
    "Where do you work?" He followed me into the closet.
    "You mean that sports bar near campus, the one where the girls wear those-" he cut himself off, looking at my uniform. "Oh," he said, nodding his head, eyes fixed on my boobs.
    I cleared my throat.
    He looked up.
    Then two seconds later his mouth was on mine again.
    I pushed him away. "Quit. Fucking. Kissing. Me!"
    He laughed.
    "I don't see how this is funny." I ran around my room, trying to get ready.
    "Fine. I'll stop kissing you."
    "Good! Thank you."
    "On one condition."
    I rolled my eyes. "And what's that?"
    "You play a game with me."
    I walked to him so we were face to face. "What game?" I was curious.
    "Two truths for fifteen. I don't know if you remember-"
    "I remember." I interrupted him. My voice softened. If this was what it was going to take to make sure there was no more physical contact between us in the future, I was willing to play. "Okay, but not today."
    I brushed past him and out my bedroom door.
    I watched her from just outside her room as she rushed to the front door, reaching for the keys on the hook, only they weren't there.
    She had a look of confusion on her face, before opening the front door. "That asshole," she muttered under her breath.
    She pulled out her phone, I assume, to call Ethan, who apparently didn't answer, according to the amount of curse words coming out of her mouth.
    Finally, she glanced up at me, "Do you think you'd be able to give me a ride?"
    She doesn't have a car? "What happened to your car?"
    "Which car?"
    "That red civic you had."
    Her eyes widened in shock.
    "How do you — never mind. I uh, I had to leave it with Mom. So can you? The ride, I mean?"
    I opened the front door for her and led her to my car. I'd do pretty much anything this girl asked if it meant I got to spend even a second of my time with her.
    I was familiar with the bar she worked at, so she didn't need to give directions, which meant the entire drive we sit in silence.
    It was the type of uncomfortable silence that's deafening to your ears.
    I pulled into a spot and turned to her. She was biting her lip, looking out the windshield.
    You know how sometimes you remember someone, or something, and you close your eyes but you can't imagine them. Like, you can kind of make them out in your mind, but you can't see them? It was

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