Moonlight and Margaritas
about your perspective."  Her arm began to itch, and it was all she could do not to rip off her skin.  "Just go away and leave me alone."  She ran her nails up her arm, experiencing a flash of relief followed by more pain.
    Joe grabbed her hand, stopping her.  "Don't scratch.  If you still have stingers in you, it will release more poison."
    Thomas picked that unfortunate moment to climb aboard and hurry to her side.  "Jellyfish got her.  I saw them.  Little iridescent bastards."
    Joe stood, facing him.  "We've got it handled, Thomas.  The best thing you can do is take a seat."
    "Shouldn't you pee on her or something?" 
    Elena jerked her head up, focusing first on Joe, then Thomas.  "Do it and die."   Excitement faded from Thomas's eyes. 
    "We don't need urine.  We're equipped with something a little more sanitary."  Joe put a hand on Thomas's shoulder and gave him a little shove.  "As captain of this boat, I'm asking you to take a seat and let me and my staff handle the situation."
    "Fine.  Whatever."  Thomas gave a jerky nod and went to sit on a nearby bench where he began removing his gear, still eyeing them.
    "Thank God," Elena mumbled when Paul returned with a white metal box.  She didn't need two men posturing over her.  A little medical attention would suffice. 
    Paul dropped the first aid kit to the deck with a clatter and started rummaging through it.  "Don't worry, ma'am, we've got some stuff that will help."
    "Please, hurry," she whispered through gritted teeth.  The raised red welts across the exposed area on her hands and lower arms burned like nothing she'd ever experienced.
    Joe gently slipped off her air tank before facing her again.  He tilted her chin up, searching her face.  Worry creased his forehead.  "You'll be fine."
    She couldn't tell if he was trying to reassure her or himself.  
    Mercedes was next to board the boat, followed by the rest of the gang.  Her friend rushed forward.  "Oh, my God, Elena.  Are you all right?"
    "I'm okay," she answered, but when Joe stepped between them, another wave of gratitude for his intuitive kindness washed over her.  She couldn't deal with Mercedes and her drama right now. 
    "Elena's going to be fine."  Joe took Mercedes's arm and tried to turn her away.
    "What happened to her?" Mercedes squirmed in his grasp as the others gathered for a better look.
    Paul sprayed some heavenly fluid over Elena's arm that smelled like vinegar and eased her pain considerably.  A lengthy sigh escaped her lips as some of the tension eeked from her body.  From the corner of her eye, she watched as Joe drew his arms wide and stepped toward the group, forcing them all to take a step back.  "Stung by jellyfish.  Now, please, give us some room."
    Mercedes gripped his arm.  "Dios mio.  Aren't they deadly?"
    "Is this helping?" Paul whispered to Elena as he sprayed her once again, and she nodded, unbelievably grateful for his help.  Her arm still burned, but it was much more tolerable now.  He sprinkled some powder over all the stings and sprayed it once more, leaving a pasty mess on her skin.  He followed up by creating more paste in the palm of his hand and dabbing more on her worst welts.
    "No, this type's not deadly," Joe answered Mercedes.  "Painful, but not deadly."  When her friend tried to step around him, he gently took her arm and led her toward Liam.  "The best thing you can do is give us some space so we can help her.  You could also start stowing your gear.  Since you've all resurfaced from your dive, I recommend that we call it a day."
    When the group backed away, Joe knelt on the deck, pushing wet strands of hair away from Elena's face.  "Doing okay?"
    Elena released a shaky breath.  His concern touched her and made her nervous at the same time.  "A little better."
    "I hear ya.  I've had my own personal encounters with the damn beasts."
    She relaxed a little more, feeling like she might actually survive.  "I didn't see them until

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