Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Gift [Men of the Border Lands 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Gift [Men of the Border Lands 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe

Book: Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Gift [Men of the Border Lands 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
shivered while she waited on Marcus to change clothes. He pulled a pair of thermal bottoms from the dresser and climbed into them. Then he got in bed and pulled her up next to him.
    “Let’s get you warmed up, Kate.” He rubbed up and down her arms then moved his hands lower.
    Kate closed her eyes when he rubbed her mound through her pajama bottoms.

Chapter Ten

    Marcus rubbed her pussy through her pajama bottoms. He could tell as soon as she began to get wet. He grinned and slipped his hand inside her bottoms to reach her now-drenched pussy. He swirled his fingers in her juices, then searched for her slit between her pussy lips. When he entered her cunt with his fingers, she moaned and tilted her pelvis toward him.
    He searched out her hidden G-spot and stroked it several times when he located it. She grabbed his shoulders and pumped her hips as if she couldn’t help it, and perhaps she couldn’t. He located her clit and began to thumb it as he stroked her hot spot. She groaned and then bit her fist as she came unglued around him.
    “Don’t bite yourself, baby. If you need to bite anyone, bite me.” Bruce climbed into the bed. “Marcus, she needs some loving.” Bruce leaned down and kissed her.
    Marcus wanted her something fierce, but wasn’t sure she was ready for them. He slipped deeper under the covers and pulled her pajama bottoms down her legs and off her feet. Then he squeezed between her legs and nosed his way between her pussy lips. She shivered around him.
    He licked and sucked on her pussy lips until she was moving against him once again. Then he entered her hot, wet cunt with two fingers and pumped them in and out as he licked around her clit. She moaned above him. He could just imagine Bruce sucking and licking her tits. Marcus wanted to taste the round berries for himself.
    He stroked his tongue deeper into her cunt alongside his fingers in an effort to gather more of her sweet nectar. She tasted like hot candy, sweet and sticky on his tongue. Bruce would go crazy when he tasted her.
    “Marcus. She’s thrashing around up here. I think you need to fuck her before she goes crazy.”
    “God, Bruce. She tastes amazing. I don’t want to stop.”
    “Let me taste.”
    Bruce pushed back the covers and slipped his fingers into her tight cunt. When he withdrew them, they were coated in her honey. He sucked them into his mouth and closed his eyes. His hum of approval seemed to ramp Kate’s pleasure higher. She groaned and beat at the bed with her fists.
    “Please. Do something. I’m so close. God, I’m burning alive.” Her voice came out as a whimper.
    “Fuck her, Marcus. I want to see her face when she comes.” Bruce bent over her and took her mouth in a kiss.
    Marcus positioned his cock at her slit and lifted her hips beneath his hands so he could guide his dick into her deep cunt. When he began to push his way inside, she hissed out a breath. He stilled, then pushed again as she slowly opened her body to him.
    “Fuck! She’s so damn tight. I’m never going to last.” He pressed forward again.
    “Please, Marcus. I need you.” Kate’s strained voice stirred something inside of him.
    He pulled out and thrust forward with more power this time. Her hot cunt parted just enough that he was able to make it halfway inside of her. He pulled back and tunneled inside of her again. This time he reached the back of her womb, bumping her cervix.
    “Yes!” she hissed out.
    Bruce looked down at Marcus and grinned. “I think she likes it a little harder than usual, Marcus.”
    Marcus knew Bruce was thrilled to find that out. He enjoyed being able to let go and pummel a woman’s pussy with his cock. Bruce wasn’t known for being an easy lover. It was why Marcus was going first with Kate. Introducing her to love between two men would be a lesson in patience for both of them, but especially for Bruce.
    Kate reached for him when he pulled back. She tried to wrap her legs around him, but with his hands

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