Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic)

Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) by Marla Monroe

Book: Monroe, Marla - Hot and Bothered (Siren Publishing Classic) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
her up several times in the night and early morning to make love. Hmm, make love? No, have sex. That was the right term for a fuck buddy, right? Back on track. It’s too early to get up, girl. Go back to sleep. Unfortunately, the sun was persistent, and she needed the bathroom in a major way.
    Dustin’s arm lay across her chest, and his leg was thrown across her legs. How could she extract herself without waking him up. She felt his warm breath against the back of her neck, and it brought a smile to her face. It felt good to wake up with a man’s body wrapped around her.
    She tried easing from under his body, but he tightened his arm around her.
    “Hmm, where are you going?” he asked in a husky voice.
    “Bathroom. I’ll be back.”
    He harrumphed and moved his arm and leg from around her. Savanna slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Once she had finished in there, she crept to the kitchen. She was wide awake now. No sense in lying awake. She needed coffee. Maybe she would cook breakfast a little later, too. She smiled at that. She hadn’t cooked breakfast for a man in a long time. It would be fun.
    Fun. She realized she was having fun. This affair, for want of a better word, was good for her. Karen had been right. She had been bored with her sex life. In fact, she had been bored with her life in general. Nothing like hot sex to put a new spring in her step. Dustin was just what the doctor ordered, if she had gone to a doctor. Laughter bubbled up, and she had to stifle it for fear of waking Dustin up. He could sleep a bit longer. She enjoyed this time alone.
    She could think about Karen’s problems. That put a damper on her mood. She didn’t know if blackmailing her boss was going to work. It was all she could come up with on short notice. She had been desperate for an answer for her problem. Karen had to work late Monday night. Savanna would slip into the building with her camera and catch them in a compromising act. Then she would run. She had to trust that Karen could take care of herself with Martin.
    Maybe if she got this under control, Karen would look at patching things up with Ben. They had really been a great couple, and up until the last month, she seemed to be deliriously happy. Had the idea of settling down really been that scary to her? Savanna wanted to settle down with Mr. Right. Sure, she was having fun with Mr. Wrong. It couldn’t hurt to have fun while looking.
    He didn’t strike her as a settle down sort of guy. She considered his job situation. He didn’t seem to care about working full-time for a living. Nothing was wrong with that as long as he could live that way. But, Savanna wanted someone with more stability in their life. The problem was finding someone both stable and good in bed. So far, she had struck out in that department. She’d dated plenty of men who were stable and had good jobs, but they hadn’t impressed her in bed. None of them got her hot just by looking at them. Not like Dustin did.
    She poured a cup of coffee as soon as it quit dripping. It tasted great first thing in the morning. She was about to scout out the fridge for what was available for breakfast when a hand reached around her waist and pulled her up close to a very happy man.
    “Hey, beautiful. Thought you were going to come back to bed.”
    “Sorry, I was wide awake and decided on coffee and breakfast instead,” she answered.
    Dustin kissed her behind the ear after moving her hair aside. Then he hugged her tight before letting her go.
    “I’ll cook pancakes if you have the mixings for them.”
    “Ooh, yes! Let me look and see if I have everything.” She pulled out of his arms and bent back over to peer into the refrigerator for milk, butter, and eggs.
    “Got everything, it looks like,” she said.
    The milk was still in date, thank goodness. The eggs were fresh and the butter—was butter. She grinned and presented him with her bounty. He gathered the eggs and butter before she dropped them

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