Mob Boss Eleven- The Wrong One (The Mob Boss Series Book 11)

Mob Boss Eleven- The Wrong One (The Mob Boss Series Book 11) by Mallory Monroe

Book: Mob Boss Eleven- The Wrong One (The Mob Boss Series Book 11) by Mallory Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Monroe
made it clear to her.   She doesn’t need any more consequences.   She’s going to need a little love.   I’m going to make sure she gets it.”
against Reno’s advice, Trina removed herself from his grasp, and went to her
young daughter-in-law.



Trina, and Jimmy made their way across the tarmac to Reno’s private plane.   He was leaving Vegas to handle business in
Georgia, and neither his wife nor son wanted to see him go.   Especially after what happened at Jimmy’s
place last night.   When they made it to
the plane, Reno turned toward them.   And
addressed his wife.   He felt unsettled
have too much fun while I’m gone,” he said.
smiled.   They both wore shades against
the glaring sunlight, but Jimmy also suspected that they both wore shades to
shield the emotions they often felt when one of them had to leave town.   It didn’t seem to have gotten any easier for
them with each passing year.   It seemed
to have gotten harder.
don’t let my staff bug you about anything,” Reno went on.   “Make them wait until I return.   You have enough to do already.”
don’t smile at the opposite sex.”
wanted to smile.   “Yes, sir.”
nod your head, don’t even laugh at their jokes.”
laughed.   “Don’t deny me at least a little
fun,” she responded.   “At least while
Grace is in town.”
a little is fine,” Reno responded with a smile of his own.   “But with Grace only.   And where is she anyway?   She’s in my town.   Why didn’t she come with you guys to bid me
shook his head.   “Like you’re some rock
star, hun, Pop?”
right,” Reno replied laughingly.
at Sal and Gemma’s,” Trina replied.   “She
wanted to spend some time with them.   We’re going to meet at the club as soon as I can ditch my old man here and
finally be free to roam.”
Jimmy laughed, Reno failed to see that particular humor.   “That’s not funny,” he said.
are all of your edicts, Reno.   I’m going
to be fine.   I’m not going to suddenly go
out and act a fool, I don’t know why you’re tripping.   I want you to go and seal that deal.   And then get your ass back home to us.”
laughed.   “Yeah, that is the important
thing, isn’t it?”
is,” Trina said.   “This will be new
territory for us.   The PaLargio
South.   It’s going to be exciting.”
agreed.   Then he looked at his wife with
a lingering look.   He didn’t know why,
since he was always going on business trips, but he hated to leave her on this
particular trip.   He kissed her on the
lips.   Oh that taste of her!   But he knew he had to go.   No more lingering.   “See you soon,” he said.
a good trip,” Trina replied.   She wasn’t
exactly thrilled to see him go either.   But she stepped aside and allowed Jimmy to say his goodbyes.
extended his hand. “Good luck with the deal, Dad,” he said.  
shook his hand and then hugged him.   When
they stopped embracing, he looked into his eyes.   “Talk to your wife,” he ordered him.
nodded, but he knew he wasn’t ready yet.
gave Reno a blow-kiss goodbye and then she and Jimmy began to move away from
the plane.   Reno began to head up the
steps that led to the plane’s entrance, but he stopped, turned around, and
looked at his wife again just as she was looking back at him.   Their eyes met, and suddenly their separation
felt as real as rain.
here,” Reno said to her.
didn’t hesitate.   She knew what he
wanted, and she instinctively knew exactly how he felt.   Because she was feeling it too.   She walked back up to the plane, with Jimmy
following her, and then she walked up the steps to Reno.
took her hand and looked beyond her at his

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