Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity by TC Matson Page A

Book: Mistaken Identity by TC Matson Read Free Book Online
Authors: TC Matson
Tags: Romance Thriller
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    “Yes. I’ve received all of these in two days. One on my car, one in the mail, and one that was slid under my door.” I close my eyes shuddering at the thought of the person knowing where I live.
    “Samantha, you need to report this to law enforcement so they can investigate,” he says with urgency.
    “I’m hoping this is the last one.”
    His dark brows crinkle together as he holds them out for me to take, “This isn’t something to take lightly.”
    A muffled sound of my ringtone interrupts me before I can explain that I’m not taking it lightly, but I just don’t have anything else to give the cops. What can they do with typed letters?
    “Sam!” Jess yells in my ear.
    There’s panic in her voice and immediately my pulse begins to race, “What’s wrong?” I ask already on edge. Tanner’s attention bolts to me.
    “There’s another one and there’s something in it,” she cries out.
    I jump up and start toward my car. “I’m on my way,” I bark, hanging up on her. This is getting more disturbing. Someone is definitely trying to scare the hell out of me, and it’s working entirely.
    I shove the key into the ignition when Tanner opens the passenger door and slides into my car.
    “You got another one, didn’t you?” he says.
    I nod.
    “I’m coming with you.” He slides his seatbelt on, giving me a stern look I know better to argue with.
    “Who the hell would take pictures of you walking?” Tanner asks staring at the pictures of me walking down the sidewalk on different occasions.
    “Shit if I know. But this,” I point to the picture on top, “is when I walked to work a few weeks ago.” Judging by the buildings behind me, I’m not even a block away. I’ve got my coffee mug in one hand and my briefcase in the other. This is also the same day he walked me home.
    “Belle, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but this really is some scary shit,” Jess says.
    I drop down to the couch holding my head in my hands. “Tell me about it,” I sigh.
    Tanner joins beside me taking my hand in his, “Do you want to stay with me tonight?”
    “Tanner, I don’t want to impose.”
    “Impose? Samantha, I’m asking my girlfriend to stay with me. What’s—”
    “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Jess interrupts him, “What have I missed?” She shoves her hands onto her hips playfully pissed.
    I shoot her a stare letting her know now isn’t the time to talk about it, but Tanner chuckles at my attempt.
    “I’m waiting.” She’s trying to be mad, but I know her too well and she’s doing a horrible job at it.
    “We’ve decided to be exclusive. Do I need to spell out how that came about?” Tanner answers.
    I slap his arm. “I’d rather you not.”
    Jess squints her eyes at me, sticking her bottom lip out trying to pout, but a giggling fit hits her first.
    Tanner chuckles shaking his head at her. He probably thinks she’s a nut, and he’s right. She’s my right nut to my left world. Sisters without the blood.
    “Come stay with me.” Tanner says squeezing my hand in his.
    I look to Jess then back to Tanner’s compassionate blues, “What about Jess?” I definitely don’t want to leave her in any danger.
    “Belle, I’m fine. Go. Whoever this is wants you, not me.” Once it registers what she said, a silent apology crosses her expression.
    “Yeah, thanks for the reminder. Are you sure?”
    “If you don’t get your butt out that door and go snuggle with your new boyfriend, I will tie you up and take you there myself. Go!”
    “Okay, but under one condition…we all go get a drink first.” I stifle a laugh knowing damn good and well she’s going to take the bait.
    “Sounds like a plan to me! I’ll go get my purse.” See, Jess can never deny a drink.
    “Guess I should’ve asked you first since you’re my boyfriend now, huh?” I snort, peeking out the corner of my eyes to a grinning Tanner.
    “Independent. I like that you make your own

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