Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Page B

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
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    “No, I think I’ll watch you. After all, that is my favorite thing to do.” He laughs
    “Are you laughing at me?”
    “Yes, but only because you don’t have a tray of food.” He really busts out laughing then. I pretend to pout and stomp off. I’ll get him for that. He better watch his back. It was only one time I threw the tray of food at them, and they deserved it.
    I make it up to the top of the slide, and look down at him. He is sitting on the steps of the pool, watching me. I wonder if my gift with nature would work on water. I slide down the slide, and it makes me feel five again. I reach the bottom and think of the water splashing him. I come up to the surface in time to see a wave from the pool splash Neeko in the face. I’ve never laughed so hard.
    “Oh, that was funny, huh?”
    “Yeah, considering I made it do that.”
    “Really?” he asks, surprised
    “Payback, baby.” He walks toward me and pulls me to him. Our bodies touching, he kisses me hard, then splashes me in the face.
    “ That was payback.” We start laughing as a water fight commences.
    After a few hours of playing in the pool, I notice that nobody has shown up. “Hey, Neeko. Why isn’t there a lot of people on the ship?”
    “There are a few, but I bought out the rest of the ship so I can keep you safe.”
    “Over-bearing?” I laugh. “That’s kind of sweet...in a creepy way.” I slap him on the arm. “You could have told me.”
    “Ow, that hurt.” He pokes his bottom lip out.
    “Yeah, right, Prince Charming.”
    “You can call me that, as long as I am your Prince Charming.” He picks up my hand and places a kiss on top of it.
    “When did you get all mushy on me?” I say, jokingly.
    “Since your love melted my hard exterior.” He flutters his eyelashes.
    “You’re crazy and cocky, but I wouldn’t have you any other way.” I lean in for a kiss.
    “I love you, too, Gabby.” I snuggle up to him.
    “I’m getting tired. Let’s go back to the room and get dressed so I can take you to eat...or maybe I’ll just eat you .”

    W e have been on the cruise ship for three days now. We played in the casino, where I lost a bunch of money, and I have been to the gym every morning. I love that there is no one is here. I thought that I’d hate it, but it is really nice. No lines, no noisy neighbors, and you can be as loud as you want.
    Our relationship has never been better. He has been so sweet to me. I walk back to our room and find Neeko still in bed, his fine ass showing because he has kicked the covers off. I have never seen him so unstressed and carefree. It could be that all the guests on this ship are Immortals working for him. Hmm, I wonder? I admire the nice view for a minute before I head for the shower. I wish we could stay here forever. It’s been so nice to see Neeko so child-like. Wait. I don’t know his age. I’ll need to ask him that. I feel arms wrap around me.
    “Hey, you must be happy to see me.” I rub my butt on his erection.
    “I’m always happy to see you, baby.” He trails kisses down my neck. “What were you thinking so hard about that you didn’t hear me come in?”
    “Ah...” I blush a little. “That I don’t know your age.”
    “Well, in human years, I am about 25. In Immortal years, I am 31. I am a young Immortal, but still a very powerful one. I shouldn’t be a leader yet, but my father was killed so I have to be.”
    “You’re six years older than me?” I kiss him on the nose. “Good thing you’re so hot for your age.” I laugh.
    “You’re so funny, little girl,” he says in his best grandpa impression. “Immortals stop aging at 25.”
    “So I’ll look just like this until I die?”
    “Yes. I’ll have to live with you looking like that...” He gestures at my face and scrunches up his nose, “for the rest of my life.”
    “Hey, I’m not so bad.”
    “No, you’re not. You’re just the hottest woman I have ever seen. This tattoo...” He rubs down

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