Miss Taken
    “Kira. There is a lot more than that you need to be here for. Peter is losing his mind. He is driving me crazy asking me where you are. Something is definitely wrong, those goons came back too. That’s not the worst though. I was approached as I was leaving work last night.”
    “Are you ok? Who approached you? Please tell me he didn’t cause you to be harmed. I will kill him.” Kira could barely contain her anger.
    “No, I wasn’t hurt. Sorry I should have said that first. I didn’t mean to worry you. Two guys stopped me. They were with the FBI.”
    “What did they want?”
    Carly let out a weary breath. “They are investigating your brother.”

    Ah, shit. “Why? What did he do?”
    “I don’t know. They wouldn’t tell me much. They want to talk to you, they are worried about you.”
    “They wouldn’t tell you why? I don’t understand?”
    “Do you know where you are? I will come get you.”
    “We’re snowed in,” she said, biting her lip.
    “I will send a fucking chopper to pull your ass out. I am at my wits end. Come handle Peter or you might be coming back to his funeral.”
    “Hang on,” she said and put the call on mute. She rushed to the kitchen where Luna was making a meal. “Luna, do you know where we are? Like an address?”
    Luna smiled. “If someone is coming to get you, it’s best to give my address. I can take you there to meet your party.”
    Oh. “Okay. Thank you.” She got Luna’s address and directions and passed them to Carly. “Come first thing tomorrow.”
    “You got it, boss lady.”
    She hung up with Carly and handed the phone back to Luna. “Thank you so much for your offer. This crazy harassment from my brother is not going away unless I go back to my office.” Kira sat at the table lost in thought. What could the FBI want with her? What has her idiot brother gotten himself into now. He was nothing but a spoiled child who had to have his way. God, please don’t let him have gone too far.
    She wondered if Peter had anything to do with those gunmen. He could be vicious to get his way, so she couldn’t rule out anything pertaining to him. She found it hard to think he’d kill these people to make them sell. He wasn’t that stupid. Spoiled and self-indulged yes, but not stupid. It took Kira a moment to come back to the conversation with Luke’s mother. She had been too lost in her head to realize Luna had been talking to her.
    Luna nodded. “I understand. I’m sure Luke will too.”
    She highly doubted it. She had lunch with Luna, but he didn’t show up for a long time. Sadness and loneliness crept inside her. Luna tried to cheer her up by telling her stories of Luke as a child.
    “What was Luke like?” Kira needed something to get her mind off things. There wasn’t much she could do stranded on the mountain as she was.
    “Oh, he was a sweetheart. You wouldn’t know it now, but he was as shy as you can imagine. He was about eight, when I met his father and joined their family. He stole my heart the moment I saw him. So polite, but you could see in his eyes, he was mischievous.” Luna paused in her storytelling to peek out the back door. “Looks like they are going to be a bit. Do you mind if I stick around for a little while and keep you company?”
    “I’d like that, but you have to tell me more stories of Luke.”
    Luna laughed in delight. “I like you, this is going to be fun. Did you know that Luke and Bastian grew up together here on the mountain. The two of them were like peas in a pod. If there was mischief to be had, they found it. Don’t get me wrong, they are also two of the sweetest men. When they love, they love with their whole hearts. A woman could do worse than that, you know.”
    Kira blushed at her words and smiled. Luke said she was his, but that was before Melissa and the gunmen. Who knew what he would feel now. She didn’t like that he had such a bad image of her. There had to be something she

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