forgetting stuff.”
    “I won’t take
the risk, White.”
    “Do you have any
idea how much it will hurt the company?”
    “Do I have
any idea?” Mac yelled. His outbursts were rare but very intense. Even the tough
old veteran was intimidated when Mac started screaming at the top of his lungs.
“I build this goddamned company with my hands… my hands, every second of
every day. This company is everything to me!”
    Mac had
completely lost it, his veins protruding from the side of his forehead. The
team was afraid he’d attack White. “Do I have any idea how it hurts my company? Do you think you know anything about what it takes to be a mindguard?
Do you think it’s like being a bodyguard, where you just pay for genetic
modifications that do the work for you, and then train for a few hours every
day and that’s it? Do you have any clue about the scope of… of… the
preparation… the dedication and conditioning, the responsibilities we have, the
way we’re always walking on thin ice? No, you don’t, you don’t have any idea! But I do and it’s my company and I’m well aware of how it
will be harmed. Not an ounce of my energy goes into anything other than trying
to find a way to protect it.”
    “You are this company, Mac,” White said calmly, holding his ground. “That’s all I’m
saying. The name of this company has been built around your fame as the only
man in the world who is both a bodyguard and a mindguard. If you step down now…
Given the competition and the recent rumor of a market move towards artificial
mindguards, we could be wiped out in a few years.”
    “I will get us
out of this,” Mac said with all his heart. “ All of us.” Sheldon was sure
he had been the only one who had believed Mac. Back then, just like now,
Sheldon had the greatest faith in the ability of his friend. Now, like then, he
was still worried.
Mac had come through for them in the end. He changed the company’s name from
Ross to Ayers-Ross, banking on the popularity of Kinsey Ayers and the emerging
talent of his grandson. He made Sheldon Ayers a partner, which strengthened
their friendship. Sheldon did not have many friends. There were few people in
the world whose company he appreciated or desired. He couldn’t even call Isabel
his friend, though he cherished and admired her to the highest level. Still,
with Mac, it was different. There was more there than just mutual respect,
there was an unspoken bond of loyalty that existed between the two, as if the
universe itself had granted them responsibility for each other’s lives.
    Mac always
looked out for him like a big brother. When they were in the field, he seemed
to try to protect Sheldon more than anyone else. And Sheldon always guarded
Mac’s mind with special care. It was their nature to protect each other. For
that reason, Sheldon was now worried about him. He trusted Mac as much as Mac
trusted him,and he had every confidence in the man’s
talent. Still, his behavior on this particular occasion, with this particular
client, had been more than peculiar.
    Lost in thought,
Sheldon didn’t notice when Isabel paid for the meal. “It’s all right,
Sheldahn,” she said, when she saw his discomfort. “It is my pleasure. You
company is always exquisite. It is so refreshing, having you around.” She put
her hand on his and gently squeezed it.
thought Sheldon. “Perhaps Mac is planting words in her mind after all.” He

Chapter 7
    I thought I had
found something that would finally unite us. And yet, it has done nothing but
divide us even more. I dreamt of a discovery that would bring about peace but
all it has brought is unparalleled violence and complete anarchy. I thought we
were there, that we could handle with care this most prized and fragile
possession. I was wrong. I regret ever having stumbled upon this treasure, only
to have mankind turn it into a weapon.
    Dr. Whitman Caine at
the emergency meeting of

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