Mind Games (Mindjack Origins)

Mind Games (Mindjack Origins) by Susan Kaye Quinn

Book: Mind Games (Mindjack Origins) by Susan Kaye Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Kaye Quinn
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    Every time I see her, she surprises me.
    Not in a charming or tantalizing way, although there’s no question she captivates me. She surprises me because there’s no whisper warning of her presence like with everyone else in Warren Township High, where the dull roar of thoughts from the throng of students in the hallway practically drowns out my own. Sometimes she’ll appear by my side without warning. Or like today, I catch a glimpse of her retreating down the hall. But I never hear her thoughts first. Even if she and I were the only two people in the entire school, I still wouldn’t be able to read her mind. And she can’t read mine either.
    And that’s exactly the problem.
    Her chocolate brown hair sweeps along her back as she darts between students hurrying to first period. She hesitates as she moves between them, pulling her arms close to her side and trying not to touch anyone. She’s walking away from me, so I tilt my head and let my eyes linger as she clutches her backpack and weaves through the crowd, head down, not looking back. She’s wearing shorts today, and I thank the fickle gods of spring weather for making it unseasonably warm.
    Man, you have got to stop thinking about that zero. Tony’s thoughts break through the background din, and I don’t have to glance behind me to know he’s coming up fast.
    Her name is Kira. I stab the grimy buttons for my locker code and the door springs open. I shove my gym bag inside, burying the muddy soccer cleats I forgot from the day before.
    Tony leans against the paint-chipped locker next to mine, wearing his Blue Devils jersey. Yeah, well, people are starting to think you’re a praver.
    Now that I’m paying attention, I catch the sideways thoughts from a trio of girls gliding past with their synchronized steps and identical band shirts. Praver. Ew. Get a real girlfriend, sicko.
    Tony throws a glare at the girls. Raf’s not a praver, freaks. What are you? Triplets gone bad?
    Their thoughts slither over each other and mix together. In your dreams, Tony ... Stop hanging with boys that prey on little girls ... And maybe you’ll find out. Then their thoughts synchronize for greater mental volume. Praver. Praver. Praver. The chant keeps up until they drift out of range.
    Man, it’s getting worse. Tony scrubs his short-cropped hair with one hand. I know you practically grew up with the girl, but that really doesn’t make it any better.
    Thanks for the reminder. I crane to look down the hallway again, but Kira is gone. Next time you need a punch in the face, let me know.
    Tony shakes his head. He’s my teammate and co-captain and we spend a lot of time in each other’s thoughts, running plays and devising new psych strategies. He’s always got my back.
    Sorry. I quietly shut the cool metal door of my locker so it won’t crash through the cacophony of thoughts filling the hall. I know you’re only looking out for me. I just wish… My mind flits over the things I wish for Kira and me, a rapid slideshow of kisses, my hands skimming her back, and an image of her in a slinky formal dress after the mindware Games. I quickly shut it down, not wanting that private longing made public, but it’s too late. Mental snickers click from two guys in tight collar jackets across the hall as they echo back an exaggerated picture of Kira in an even more revealing dress. Then they shuffle along, more concerned about making plans for the weekend than harassing me.
    Tony lets out a long, low breath. Man, you’ve got it bad. I know. I get it. She’s seriously hot. His sympathy is a shallow pool. But you’ve got to get a grip. Mentally, she’s just a kid, not to mention that you’ll never know what she’s thinking. How can you trust someone like that?
    Kira could still go through the change. She’s not even sixteen yet. There’ve been others that have changed late ... But my thoughts drift past Tony as he eyes a blonde with mile long legs and short shorts

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