Milky Coffee and Office Gossip

Milky Coffee and Office Gossip by Liza Kay

Book: Milky Coffee and Office Gossip by Liza Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liza Kay
Tags: Gay, Contemporary, Adult, Erotic Romance, glbt
traces from his skin.
    Remy’s strong arms wrapped around the small of his back. Hmm, so close. The warmth of the bigger man’s skin felt like heaven against his naked body.
    “The tulip is wonderful,” Remy rasped. “I love those old drawings.”
    “It’s for your office. A little reminder,” Corey teased. “You can tell all those sexy colleagues and secretaries at the law firm that it’s a gift from your boyfriend.”
    Remy’s chuckle vibrated through his chest and settled in Corey’s balls. Maybe they should postpone the talking for a while.
    “Well, well, well, my beautiful boyfriend. Thank you so much. Tell me, do you have a gift for me today?”
    Corey’s breath caught in his throat at the hot, smoldering look Remy bestowed on him as well as his deep, husky voice. Oh yes, they had obviously reached the Eating Corey part of the evening. “Me,” he said in a breathy voice, tilting his head in a blatant invitation.
    “Sounds perfect. I want to taste you, love. I bet you’ll taste even better with some...” Suddenly, Remy threw him onto the mattress, making Corey squeak, and moved his body over him in a fluid motion. Then he rescued the bowl out of Corey’s hand and grinned. “Ice-cream.”
    Corey shuddered, both from the thought of the cold stuff hitting his heated skin and the wicked naughtiness Remy suggested. Oh, what the hell. Remy would heat him up soon. He could suffer through the cold for a bit.
    “Do it,” he whispered, stretching his limbs and flexing his muscles. Watching Corey stretch was one of Remy’s triggers. Got the man hard every damn time.
    Corey hissed when the first little glob of ice-cream hit his skin. No, not only his skin, his fucking nipple!
    “Aww... you bastard!” he pressed through his clenched teeth, grasping a slat of the headboard in a white-knuckled grip.
    Remy, the prick, only chuckled and lowered his head over his chest. He didn’t leave Corey much time to complain. When the man’s hot, raspy tongue scooped up the ice-cream, quickly followed by a hot mouth closing over his nub and sucking it lightly, the sensation was unlike anything Corey had ever experienced. A zing raced from his nipple into his belly, then pooled in his groin.
    Arching his back, Corey wailed and tried to push more of the abused little peak inside Remy’s hot mouth. The warmth there delivered both pain and pleasure, like holding your frozen hands under warm water in the winter. Only, his hands had never been wired to his cock!
    Remy moved over to the other nipple, giving him the same attention, and Corey thought his head would explode.
    “Think you could come just like that, love?” Remy murmured, brushing his lips over Corey’s heated flesh. Eloquent as he was, Corey answered with a pathetic whimper. If his smug smile was anything to go by, his speechlessness pleased his lover to no end.
    “Guess that means yes. Go on. Come for me.”
    Well, the permission was well-meant, but Corey didn’t think he’d be able to—
    Holy fucking shit!
    He nearly broke the slat he was holding onto, when the first icy cold and then hot warmth hit his throbbing length. Pushing deep inside the heat enveloping him, Corey yelled and shot his creamy release. He briefly wondered if the taste of cum matched with the taste of peppermint ice-cream, and that silly thought caused him to let out a giggled moan. The moan thanks to Remy, who still softly suckled his softening flesh.
    Eventually, he pushed at the man’s broad shoulders when the sensation became too much.
    “Okay, what was so funny about my awesome blowjob?” Remy demanded to know as soon as he popped off Corey’s dick. Did he sound a little miffed? Aww.
    Corey cupped the bigger man’s face and brushed his thumb over his puffy, red lips. “Nothing, Remy. Just thinking about the compatibility of cum and ice-cream.”
    For a moment, Remy blinked, speechless. Then his eyes twinkled and he snorted, placing his forehead on Corey’s hip. “God, you

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