Military Maledom: An Officer And A Dom
    Erika Masten
    Copyright © 2012 Erika
    Erika Masten
    [email protected]
    Published by Sticky Sweet Books. This
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    This is a work of fiction. Any
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    Warning: Explicit content. Intended for
mature readers only. All characters depicted herein are 18 years or
older, and all sexual activities are of a consensual
    This is a work of erotic fantasy. In
real life, please protect yourself and your lover by always
practicing safe sex.

    Military Maledom: An Officer
And A Dom
    Excerpt From
    Domination Sex:
Conditioned Response
    Excerpt From
    Room Service: Dominated

    I am convinced that the majority of
people who make their careers in the Navy Supply Corps are hoarders
who’ve avoided cluttering their homes by bringing their pack rat
habits to work. Of course, today it just might save my
    We have everything on this base from
paper clips to helicopter parts, bandages to bolts bigger than my
head. I sigh at the enormity of the task I’ve set myself and stand
with my hands on the curve of my hips, in a cramped back room where
supply staff has stuffed unused remnants of this and that on metal
shelves stretching floor to ceiling.
    It’s the same quality of items you’d
find at a bad yard sale: lengths of marine rope too short to be
useful, office machines you can’t get supplies for anymore, tires
for vehicles we’re phasing out of use, parts of desk sets and
random computer leads. Stuff that probably should have been
recycled or thrown away. Except now and then, just often enough, an
essential piece of equipment breaks down, and something out of this
room saves the day.
    I look down at my summer
whites—which, of course, don’t do much for my tits or my hips, I
must say—and realize I’m not really dressed for rummaging through
all this musty, dusty salvage, but sometimes delegation just
doesn’t cut it. Word got handed down, officer to officer, that some
overeager assistant straightened Captain Starr’s office and packed
up old items she thought were just cluttering a side table,
including a mug from the first ship he ever served on. Starr drinks
coffee out of that mug every
day . How could she not know that? I don’t
even work in the same office, and I know that. God willing, that
box of miscellany ended up here and not in the dump.
    Without pride of rank, I tear through
boxes, crawl halfway onto wide shelves, and hang precariously from
ladders, meticulously searching inch by inch. My frustration is
already getting the better of me when I rise up too quickly under a
shelf and thump myself on the back of the head, right on the sharp
edges of the barrettes clipping up my long black hair. I yelp and
straighten just

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