Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates by Mike Stangle

Book: Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates by Mike Stangle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Stangle
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started to get pretty handsy outside the bar. I want you to take me out of here, Davidoff. Come on. Really? I mean, I will, but really? I had to be getting played here. I’m not going to say that Lake George is overflowing with eligible and desirable bachelors, but why me?
    I evaluated my options. The Entertainer was a no-go; it was in plain sight down on the docks, so the entire world would see. Not that I’m opposed to that sort of thing; just wait for our chapter on that. There was a hotel not far from Christie’s, but my credit card was still inside at the bar being maxed out by Mike and the gang. L’Poop was staying in another hotel right next door to Christie’s, but it was occupied by friends who got too much sun that day. With no plan at all, L’Poop and I started walking south. At this point, we were only looking for privacy. After about ninety quick make-out breaks with L’Poop whispering in ol’ Davidoff’s ear about how sexy he was (note to self: MOVE TO FRANCE) we found ourselves in front of Fort William Henry. I could go into a whole history lesson on just what Fort William Henry is, but this isn’t a history book. All you need to know is that it’s a British fort on the southern end of Lake George best known for the notorious atrocities committed by Indians against surrendered British troops following a successful French siege in 1757. Ever see Last of the Mohicans ? That’s where all that shit took place. On the vast front lawn of Fort William Henry, there is a statue. I’m not sure who the statue is of. I’d assume it’s of William Henry. I’m also not sure who William Henry even was. He was probably tortured by those savage Indians. What I do know is that William Henry’s statue is like a playground made of marble and L’Poop was getting downright freaky with me on it. She was taking her clothes off and giggling, which is possibly the hottest combination of two things a French chick could do, as we chased each other around the statue. I imagine if Martians were observing Earth at that very moment and saw the two of us—one goofy, uncoordinated white guy chasing around a gorgeous giggling French gal—they probably wrote in their Martian notebooks Note to Self: MOVE TO EARTH .
    Soon things started to get hot and heavy and ol’ William Henry wasn’t the only guy sporting some marble. As perfect as this was about to be, I was still freaking out like something was wrong. It didn’t add up. Was this girl about to drug me and steal my organs? That was the honest-to-God thought that was going on in my head as she wrapped her legs around me. Well, that thought went away pretty quickly, within about three to five seconds. I thought I was enjoying it so much that I was imagining fireworks in the background. Then I remembered it was the Fourth of July. An American slob making love to a French 10 on the Fourth of July on top of a statue of a guy who was tortured by Indians. For my money, it doesn’t get any more American than that, folks.
    We finished and smoked cigarettes as we lay ass-naked, half on the grass and half on the statue. L’Poop and I eventually gathered up the clothes we had been tearing off each other and wandered back toward the bar scene. I had a shirt on, though I was not sure it was mine, and definitely didn’t find my boxers. I didn’t even know what else I was missing, only that I was decent enough to pass the no shirt/no shoes/no service test. Since we had left the bar so early together, things were still raging as we got back to Christie’s. L’Poop told me she was going to pop into her hotel room next door to freshen up. We’d better exchange numbers now; I don’t want to lose track of you . It was the smoothest thing I had said all night. Absolutely not. She responded, deadpan. Then she smiled, walked into the hotel lobby, and I never saw her again. She never came back to

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