Midnight Diamonds

Midnight Diamonds by Cynthia Hampton Page B

Book: Midnight Diamonds by Cynthia Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Hampton
honestly have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?”
    A warm flush crept over her face. His eyes never wavered and her heart sped up. She wanted to believe him. Wanted to hear more. Wanted to know how much he desired her. She’d been bold in the limo. Now she considered leaning across the table and picking up where they’d left off.
    Instead, she changed the subject. “Your turn. Tell me more about Nashville and your dreams.”
    With a smile, he picked up his fork and began talking.
    Silver couldn’t decide if she felt relief or disappointment.
    * * *
    As Justin waited for Silver to come back from the ladies’ room, his thoughts strayed to plans for the next few weeks. A lot could change quickly and, even though there were no guarantees he’d become a superstar, he wanted his family’s support. Of course, his little brother, Hunter, hadn’t stopped razing him about being the newest country stud, asking how many times he’d get laid before New Year’s Eve.
    For some reason, the only woman he wanted was Silver. Right now he couldn’t—
    Silver stood beside the table, looking at him as if waiting for a response. “Did you say something?”
    She slid back into her chair. “Not me. The server asked if we’re ready for dessert.”
    He nodded at the server standing against the wall. “Sounds great.” Looking back at the woman across from the table, he crossed his arms over his chest. “One more question.”
    When I can get more of those honeyed kisses?
    “What are your dreams?”
    Suddenly the napkin in her lap had her full attention. “I always wanted to teach.”
    “You’ve always wanted to teach, but…is there something more?” Justin prompted.
    “Like what?”
    He shrugged. “I don’t know. Write a book? Be a dancer? Give guided tours of the pyramids?”
    She threw up her hands. “It doesn’t matter.”
    “Of course it matters, if it’s your life. Don’t you want excitement and something different?”
    “That’s the point. I can’t be like you, famous so everyone will fall in love with the image of a person who doesn’t really exist. If you want that, go for it.”
    Letting out a breathy laugh, Justin shook his head. “Great offensive move there, Madison. You should try out for the Dallas Cowboys. I hear they need a tight end.” At her gasp, he held up his right hand. “Wait. That didn’t come out right.”
    “No, I’m glad you said it, because it must be what you’re thinking. Maybe there’s a reason I don’t open up and share my darkest secrets. The last time I shared my dreams with someone, he tore my life apart. Chase Richards, mother-approved and successful, slammed the door on my heart, and I’m much better if I keep the gates locked.” Tears shimmered in her eyes. “Maybe I prefer life routinely safe and boring.”
    Stunned at her outburst, Justin sat speechless for a few moments while the servers put slices of cheesecake with caramel sauce on the table. When they were alone again, he leaned forward.
    “First of all, you don’t know enough about me to talk about what kind of image I want. Second…” He held up a hand when she started to interrupt. “…it’s obvious that Chase did a real number on your heart. I don’t give a damn how successful a guy is, he should never treat a woman that way.” He leaned closer and used his fingers to gently brush away the tears rolling down her cheeks. “And third, I’m nothing like that egotistical jackass. I would never hurt you like that, so don’t put me in the same stable as him.”
    Without another thought, he stood up and pulled her with him. When his lips covered hers, she softened with a quiet moan. He wrapped her tighter in his arms as he tasted the fiery sweetness of her passion. One of the servers cleared his throat and Justin remembered their audience. When he eased Silver back into the chair, she gave him a watery smile.
    “Justin?” she asked weakly.

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