Microsoft Word - Amanda Quick - Mystique.doc

Microsoft Word - Amanda Quick - Mystique.doc by radhika.iyer

Book: Microsoft Word - Amanda Quick - Mystique.doc by radhika.iyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: radhika.iyer
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dragged Benedict off in the
    direction of one of the refuge tents. The shelters had been erected at opposite ends of the
    large field. The knights, squires, and men-at-arms gathered beneath them to prepare for the
    day's jousting.
    Alice was outraged. She could not believe that Hugh had altered his plans to find the green
    stone merely because of a jousting match. It made no sense.
    When Dunstan and Benedict had disappeared into the crowd she whirled about and started
    toward the black tent. She would search out Hugh and let him know precisely what she
    thought of this situation. It was ludicrous for him to enter a joust when they had vastly more
    important matters to see to.
    She came to an abrupt halt when she found her path blocked by a massive black war-horse.
    She recognized the beast at once. There was no mistaking the huge hooves, broad head,
    muscular shoulders, and sturdy construction of Hugh's prized stallion. The smell of well-oiled
    steel and leather assailed her nostrils.
    Alice blinked at the sight of Hugh's booted foot in the stirrup. It looked very large. Her gaze
    rose slowly upward. This was the first time she had seen him in his hauberk. The finely
    linked mail of his battle armor gleamed in the warm afternoon sun. He had his helm tucked
    beneath one arm.
    Hugh was sufficiently intimidating at the best of times, but when he was clad for war, Hugh
    the Relentless was a truly unnerving sight. She shaded her eyes with her hand as she looked
    up at him.
    "I hear that 'tis a new custom among ladies of fashion to give their favored knights a token to
    wear into the jousts," Hugh said quietly.
    Alice caught her breath and then hastily regrouped her energies. She was, she reminded
    herself, thoroughly incensed. "Surely you do not intend to participate in the jousts, my lord?"
    " 'Twould be remarked upon if I did not. I do not wish to arouse suspicion concerning my true
    reason for being here at Ipstoke. The stratagem was to mingle with the fair crowds, if you
    will recall."
    "I see no necessity for you to waste a great deal of time playing silly games atop your horse
    this afternoon when you could be tracking down Gilbert the troubadour."
    "Silly games?"
    "That is all they are in my opinion."
    "I see. There are many ladies who enjoy watching such contests." Hugh paused deliberately.
    "Especially when their lords are participants."
    "Aye, well, I have never had much interest in such sports."
    "Will you give me a token?"
    Alice eyed him suspiciously. "What sort of token?"
    "A scarf or a bit of ribbon or lacing will do."
    "There is certainly no accounting for fashionable customs, is there, my lord?" Alice shook her
    head, amazed. "Imagine giving a man a perfectly good length of clean cloth or a fine silk
    ribbon to wear while he dashes about in the mud. The token, as you call it, would likely be
    "Mayhap." Hugh gazed down at her with unreadable eyes. "Nevertheless, I think it would be
    wise if you gave me such a token, Alice."
    Alice gazed at him blankly. "Whatever for, sir?"
    "It will be expected," Hugh said very evenly. "We are, after all, betrothed."
    "You wish to carry my favor into the joust in order to convince everyone that we truly are
    "But what about my green stone?"
    "All in good time," Hugh said softly.
    "I thought the stone was extremely important to you."
    "It is and I will have it by the end of the day. But something else has come up. Something
    that is just as important."
    "What is that, pray tell?" Alice demanded.
    "Vincent of Rivenhall is here and intends to participate in the joust." Hugh's voice was
    curiously empty of emotion. The very flatness of his tone was frightening.
    "What of it?" Alice asked uneasily. "By the Saints, sir, I should think you would be able to
    forgo a bit of sport for the sake of the stone."
    "I assure you, the opportunity to take the field against Vincent of Rivenhall is almost as
    important as recovering the stone."
    "I would not have thought

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