Mercenary Abduction (Alien Abduction)

Mercenary Abduction (Alien Abduction) by Eve Langlais

Book: Mercenary Abduction (Alien Abduction) by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
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flattening her palms against the wall. Let him torture. She wouldn’t cave first, but she would come if he kept it up.
    He must have sensed it. He stopped his pleasurable friction on her clit. She could have cried when
    he took his hand away. She throbbed fiercely. Around her body, he wrapped his own, thigh to thigh, her back to his chest, his hands over her tits. His lips latched to her neck. Dammit, a shudder rocked her. Then another. She needed him inside her so bad. Her body clenched in need, demanded she say the words.
    Just when she thought she’d have to give in, he growled long and loud. “I cannot wait any longer.”
    Back he yanked her hips, angling her lower body as he kicked apart her feet. She had just enough time to brace herself when he thrust into her.
    “Oh, fuck yeah.” Not the most eloquent or ladylike of epithets, but the most apt for the occasion.
    Never before did sex, or a cock for that matter, feel just right. Filling her up, stretching her, and doing delightful things as it weaved in and out. Her fingertips curled and scratched at the wall as her climax built and built, exploding in a wave that left her yelling, “Yes! Yes! Oh my God, yes!” And still he thrust, drawing out her bliss.
    As for her second foray into pleasure? What do you know, there is a heaven .


    Any other time, Makl might have taken a moment to gloat in his mastery of a female, but for the
    first time in his life, he lost himself in the moment. Lost himself in the pleasure. Lost himself in Olivia.
    He shot his seed deep within her instead of withdrawing, understanding on a visceral level what
    he did, but not really caring. Something in him, something primitive, wanted her marked as his. Mine.
    Mine. Mine.
    Body quaking, his hips jerked as he continued to press into her, drawing out both their climaxes.
    Panting, heart racing, he leaned against the shower wall and pulled her against him, cradling her limp body in his arms.
    “Yeah. So…” She trailed off.
    “That was certainly –” He paused, at a loss, for once, for words.
    “Wickedly unexpected?”
    “Probably just pent up stress?” She sounded hopeful.
    By the minor goddess Karma, he hoped so. Anything less, and anything more permanent, couldn’t
    be entertained. Makl didn’t do relationships. He’d finally gotten what he wanted. Sex with the human. It was better than he imagined. Much. The best he’d ever had – by a lot. Which made her ridiculously
    dangerous. The quicker he dumped her on his cousin, the better. “Mercenary rule number five, sub section five, never pass up the opportunity to empty your cock.”
    “How romantic.” She shoved at him, a moue of annoyance on her face.
    Good, that was much better. This Olivia, annoyed and scrubbing furiously so she could escape the
    close confines, he could handle. The one that he wanted to take in his arms to apologize, then to bed so he could sink into her, long and slow… Much too dangerous.
    “So, about the whole bed sleeping thing…” She turned to glare at him, a drop of moisture hanging
    from the tip of her nipples almost sending him to his knees begging. “I’m sleeping in it.”
    “So am I.”
    “Can’t you go somewhere else?” she groused.
    “It’s the only bed. And if you think I’m sleeping on the floor of my own ship…”
    “Fine. We can share it, but you keep to your side. Since you’ve taken care of your mercenary rule
    concerning your cock, I better not have to worry about you bugging me.”
    Hmm, should he mention he could go again in about…oh, look at that. He was ready to go now.
    Better hide that before she took the bed away. Lucky him, she turned and bent over, giving him an enticing view.
    “Are you looking for something?” Because if she wanted, he could hide his dick in her sex and
    wait for her to find it.
    “Where have you hidden your clothes? And why is it so neat in here? It’s unnatural. Men are
    natural born slobs.”
    “Slovenliness is not

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