
Menage by Emma Holly

Book: Menage by Emma Holly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Holly
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica
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say thank you, babe.'
    "Thank you, babe,' I parroted.
    This time my cheek received the open-handed slap. 'Say "Thank you, sir" or I won't remove that blindfold.'
    I hesitated, then decided getting the damn thing off would be worth it. 'Thank you, sir.'
    He laughed. For a moment, I thought he'd leave the blindfold on just to tease me, but to my relief he removed it.
    I blinked to clear my vision and again to clear my head. My cosy living room had been transformed into a bondage chapel. Flowing black velvet masked the windows, my antique furniture was shoved to the walls, and white candles flickered on every surface that would hold them. If I'd known, I'd never have dared wrestle Sean to the floor. Lou had thrown something into the fireplace to make the wood burn blue. The eerie light glinted off the stainless steel apparatus that held me prisoner.
    Have bondage frame, will travel, I thought. I concluded the contraption must belong to Lulu or Amy. It certainly wasn't mine. I'd never tried anything this kinky - though I might have fantasised once or twice about tying down my ex.
    A man I'd never seen before stepped into my field of vision. He had big brown eyes and an ash-brown crew cut - a regular GI Joe in his khaki T-shirt and camouflage trousers. Shoeless, his bare feet paddled in the carpet, long and thin. Even by firelight, I perceived a body so honed he could have done fitness ads. He had big shoulders, a narrow waist, and precious little body hair. His equipment filled his trousers like an extra pair of socks. Did that bulge contain the towering love tool I'd felt rubbing up my thigh? Whether it did or not, I must admit my jaw dropped in admiration.
    'Like my toy?' he drawled, gesturing to the rack. His voice gave his identity away.
    'Lulu,' I exclaimed. 'I mean, Lou.'
    'In the flesh.' He preened and I saw a shadow of the striking woman who'd delivered Sean's invitation.
    'Enough chatter,' Sean said. 'Pull the rack to the centre of the room.'
    Both Amy and Lou jumped into action. They unlocked the wheels and turned me around until the fire warmed my front. Then they locked it down again.
    'Lean forward and stick your butt out,' Sean ordered. 'Further! Joe, you and Amy steady her shoulders. Lou, you're on clean-up duty.'
    Clean-up duty involved removing Amy's paint job with a chamois cloth soaked in oil. Lou had nice hands, really nice. Strong but slow, they kept me at a fine pitch
    of arousal, lingering long enough to let me know he didn't mind feeling up every bit of a woman there was.
    Sean certainly had a flexible bunch of friends, up for anything. I squirmed as Lou's chamois-draped thump made a thigh-quaking journey around the inner folds of my labia.
    'Sweet as honey,' he murmured for my ears only. His hip spooned mine. 'You tell me the minute Sean remove the private property sign, 'cause I sure would I like to dip my stick in that pot.'
    Suiting deed to word, he sneaked one finger out from under the cloth and curled it into my dripping sheath, a quick, deep probe - in and then gone.
    Sean didn't notice the pass, but Joe did. His hand tightened on my shoulder. His lips thinned. Was he jealous? Anxious? Or just hot? All three, I hoped, too aroused for scruples. Arching my back, I thrust my buttocks higher.
    Joe made a sound, both pained and hungry, and Amy reached over to cup his crotch.
    At once I wanted to tear her hand off at the wrist. I hated her touching him, but couldn't look away. She palmed his arch, then squeezed. Joe shifted on his haunches. His buttocks tightened, lifting him into her hand. I ground my molars together. How could he? Then his dark-amber eyes met mine. His lips moved. 'I love you, ' I thought he said. Hot confusion burst in my chest. Had he said it? Did he mean it? Did I want him to mean it?
    I barely heard Sean order Amy to remove the paint that covered my nipples.
    Her first touch brought my attention back, however, as I'm sure Sean wanted. I had no experience with female lovers and her

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