Melinda Hammond

Melinda Hammond by Highclough Lady

Book: Melinda Hammond by Highclough Lady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Highclough Lady
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might be pleased to know that Miss Wetherby is no longer … what was her phrase? Throwing her cap at me. My ideas are too modern to suit her parents. My company embarrasses them'
     Verity choked, but her companion did not appear to notice.
     'And if we are talking of company, Miss Shore, I would have thought Worsthorne would have been with you most evenings.'
     'No. That is, he -he has business that often keeps him in Halifax, and if he is at Highclough he likes to meet with friends in Derringden of an evening. Please do not think I blame him – he is young, after all, to be tied to Highclough day and night.'
     'The same might be said of you, madam.'
     'My case is different, sir. As a governess I am used to keeping my own company.'
     'If Worsthorne has time on his hands I wonder he does not look to his Sowerby estates. I understand he has not been near them for months.' He saw her anxious look and shook his head. 'Forgive me, I did not come here to criticise. Tell me instead how you fill your days; are you at daggers drawn with Mrs Worsthorne?'
     'Of course not! We rub along very well, for Megs has the sunniest nature imaginable.'
     'While you, of course, are for ever at odds with the world.'
     She laughed. 'Only with you, sir, and I lay the blame for much of that squarely at your door. But to be serious – with music, and books, and sometimes backgammon as well as keeping household, we occupy ourselves very well. When the weather improves I shall make a start on restoring the shrubbery within the walled garden. I intend to make a sketch of the garden as it is now, as soon as it is warm enough to sit outside.
     'An admirable idea. Do you require drawing materials – can I fetch you anything from Halifax?'
     'Thank you, but I gave Luke a list of my needs and he fetched everything last week. I also ride out with him when I can, so that I am gradually becoming familiar with the estate.'
     'Good. And now you have mentioned riding – my sister has asked if you would care to have her mare for the next few months? She brought the horse with her to Newlands, but Sir Robin does not think it wise for her to ride in her present state.'
     'And she would trust me with her mare?'
     'I have told her how well you ride.'
     'Th-thank you, but, I could not –'
     'The creature might as well be of use here as eating her head off in my stables, you know.'
     'Well, in that case I cannot refuse, when you put it so elegantly, sir! Please thank Lady Winter for me; I shall accept her generous offer.'
     'You may thank her yourself, for she intends to visit you in a day or two, and she will bring the mare with her.'
    * * * *
     With this treat to look forward to, Verity found her spirits rising. Even the weather improved and a few days later she put on her warmest gown, wrapped herself in her cloak and took her sketch pad outside. The shrubbery was contained within a walled enclosure at the eastern end of the main building. Verity sat down on the stone bench that had been placed against the house wall. It was ideally suited to take advantage of the morning sun, while the high walls kept off any chilly breeze. Verity smiled as she felt the February sun warm her cheeks, then she turned her attention to sketching the overgrown shrubbery. She was making good progress when she heard the sound of carriage wheels on the drive. Assuming it was the servants returning with fresh supplies she continued with her drawing, until she heard Lady Winter's cheerful voice calling to her.
     'Sally!' She jumped up and ran forward as Lady Winter appeared at the stone archway, her hands tucked inside a frivolous swansdown muff. Verity's smile wavered as she saw the look of horror on Lady Winter's face, but before she could speak there was a loud crash behind her. Verity swung round. The bench where she had been sitting a moment earlier was now smashed into little pieces.
    * * * *
     Verity stared. A large block of stone lay amongst the remains of the

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