Welcome to Sanctuary 2
Copyright © 2011
Chapter 1
Winter Ryan stared hard at the message he was about to send, debating only a moment before pushing the send button. Thankfully the virtual assistant company he used worked twenty-four hours, so his sister would know of his plight within the hour. He knew Spring would send help if she didn’t try to come herself.
He only hoped she didn’t try to call beforehand. If she did, she would reach his voice mail. Until he replaced his phone, he had no other way to communicate with the world outside his apartment except by e-mail.
Using his legs to roll away his chair from his desk, he stood carefully, wincing with a small gasp as pain shot through his body, reminding him why he’d given in and made contact with the outside world. He’d done enough for now. He’d broken down and asked his sister for help, the one thing a brother should never do.
Men were supposed to be strong and self-sufficient, able to deal with anything. But with both hands heavily bandaged he couldn’t work on the computer, couldn’t hold a pen to write the romantic e-books that were gaining popularity, hell, he could barely hold his own cock to pee.
Thanks to the pain medications they’d given him at the emergency room he couldn’t think enough to be creative anyway. Unfortunately, with Scott out somewhere still stewing in his anger he didn’t dare leave his apartment without the possibility of another beating.
Walking slow and careful, Winter walked out of the room where he worked and into the room where he lived. Stopping in the kitchen nook, he looked through the cupboards and refrigerator before gathering what he needed.
Comfort foods were definitely the order of the evening. Two cans of his favorite soda, a bag of barbecue potato chips, and one of the bags of clearance Easter candy he’d bought before running into Scott would start him on the road to a junk food coma. If that wasn’t enough, he would return for the leftover lasagna he’d made the night before.
When he woke up in the ambulance, he was surprised to find that he still held the shopping bag of chocolate eggs and marshmallow Peeps. Especially when he later learned that several fingers of that hand had been broken when his ex-lover stepped on them. His right wrist had snapped when Scott shoved him, and he’d landed on it. He didn’t realize until he’d returned home and dumped the bag on the dining room table that someone had put his broken phone in the bag.
After setting his bounty of junk food on the small table next to the queen-size sofa bed that spent more time open than closed, he used a knife blade to open the can of soda. Thankfully the pharmacy had taken pity on him and packaged his pills in an easy open envelope instead of a bottle. He managed to pick two up between his first and second fingers and wash them down with several swallows of soda.
Hoping the medication worked fast, he slowly eased himself down onto the mattress. He gritted his teeth against the pain as his ribs, back and rest of his body protested any movement. He needed to clean up but, with both hands in casts that he was not supposed to get wet for the next four weeks, there wasn’t much hope of that without someone to help him.
Picking the television remote up, he managed to click the television on and then flip to his favorite movie channel. With a cautious sigh, he rearranged himself until he found an almost painless position. Then he settled in for what he expected to be a long, pain-filled night.
* * * *
“Hello?” Hawk Sullivan sat up as he answered his cell phone. Though it was after midnight they were still awake, having just returned from the opening reception of the three-day electronics convention they’d come to Charlotte to attend.
“This is Spring. Are you Hawk or Garrett?” a woman’s gentle voice asked. She sounded frantic.
“Hawk. What’s up, Spring?”
He looked across
Robert Charles Wilson
Philip Caputo
Donald Harstad
Mary Elizabeth Summer
Olivia Goldsmith
Holly Martin
Ryanne Hawk
Grace Monroe