Mayhem: The Order of the Wolf, Book 5
Raven pulled out his cell and punched in a number as he nodded to Darcy. “Go get Jay, Dy and Summer. Tell everyone to pack a bag. Looks like we’re going for a plane ride.”
    “This isn’t a pack concern,” Mayhem growled, his mind spinning, his ability to lead taking a back seat to his need for Hannah in his arms, safely away from the Hunters.
    “Your mate has been taken by our enemies. Possibly by her Hunter. This is most certainly a pack concern. We’re coming.” Raven lifted his phone to his ear. “Dave, you need to get all of us on a flight to Cali. He did?” Raven’s gaze slammed into Mayhem’s. “Well, there’s no way May will be on it. Make it a flight for later tonight and we’re there. I don’t know, just do it.” He hung up the phone. “You’re not going alone.”
    “Did Dave get me a flight?” Mayhem’s anxiety spiked. If he was booked on an earlier flight, damn right he was going alone. He snatched his own phone from the table, determined to call Dave back before he did anything stupid like cancelling his flight in favor of a later one that would accommodate them all.
    “You aren’t thinking straight, May! You can’t be on an earlier flight! There’s a time difference, remember? The sun won’t be down in Cali if you leave now!” When Mayhem hit redial, Raven raised his finger, eyes blazing. “With all due respect, May, put that fucking phone down or I’ll break your goddamned hand.”
    Mayhem’s rage boiled to the surface, his fangs pressing hard against his bottom lip. “You dare threaten your alpha!”
    “I do if he’s being a stubborn ass!” Raven made a move to take the phone, knowing just as well as Mayhem that Dave would do whatever their alpha said.
    Mayhem swatted his hand away. “I’m leaving on that flight.”
    “Like hell!” Raven launched himself, taking Mayhem by surprise with a sucker punch to the gut—enough to stun him, not enough to knock him down.
    He dropped the phone as full-blown rage kicked in, swinging up with his elbow as Raven tried to put him in a headlock. He caught Raven under the chin, a loud crack as his teeth slammed together.
    Mayhem’s fangs dropped, claws popping from his fingers as he spun to face his pack brother. “You have a death wish,” he bellowed as he charged.
    Three hours later, Raven clenched a cold compress to his bruised cheek. Despite his obvious pain—Mayhem was certain he’d broken the man’s jaw at least once—the jackass was still smiling.
    “Fasten your seatbelt, gentlemen. We’re about to take off.”
    Mayhem sneered in Raven’s direction. “Insubordination. You’re lucky I don’t rip your throat out.”
    “Yeah, yeah, keep talking tough guy, I totally had you.” Raven motioned to the flight attendant for a drink. “Besides, you got your way, kinda.”
    Mayhem grumbled. Yeah, he and Raven were flying first class to California, the rest of the group to follow on a later flight. They’d be together, tracking Hannah before sunrise.
    He didn’t want the pack involved but he had to admit, Raven had his back despite the nasty cut he was sporting on his bottom lip. Mayhem had forgotten about the time change, hadn’t been thinking straight when he ordered that flight booked.
    He would have done it too, boarded a plane that would have forced him to change as soon as he crossed the time zone and the sun flashed into existence. It would have triggered a change mid-flight. That would have created some major fucking problems. So, yeah, Raven was using his head, where Mayhem was totally going with his heart, which was in his throat every time he thought about Hannah being with a Hunter. He needed to get to her. He didn’t like the feeling of leading his pack into danger and his gut was screaming that that was exactly what he was doing.
    “It’s gonna get bloody, I know it. I don’t like this, not one bit,” Mayhem growled.
    Raven’s smile faded. “I know you don’t, May, but sometimes the alpha doesn’t

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