Maybe This Life

Maybe This Life by J.P. Grider

Book: Maybe This Life by J.P. Grider Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.P. Grider
But, here you are. And Gary told me Rick asked you, not the other way around, so, hey, maybe you’re just what he needed to get over his past.”
    Lena pondered that for a while. She hoped there was some kind of future for her and Rick. He’d certainly reawakened her soul. And her heart was finally, genuinely smiling.

Chapter Seventeen
    The Tavern had emptied out by 2am. Rick performed longer than usual since he had Matty joining him.  He worried that Lena was bored or tired.  He knew she’d never say so, being so polite and all, but he worried just the same. What kind of man brings a girl out on a first date…and hardly spends any time with her?  He needed to make a better impression.
    He paid Jack his tab and said good-night to the owner. “You ready, Lena?” He sighed, sorry the night had to end. He helped to pull out her chair as she got up, then took her hand. With her hand in his, they slowly walked to the car.  There was a nip in the air tonight, so Rick took his hand from Lena’s and wrapped his arm around her. “I owe you another date, I think.”
    “What? What d’you mean?” Lena's contorted expression signaled bewilderment.
    “I mean,” Rick turned her by the arm to look at him when they reached his Jeep. “I owe you a real date. One where I’m actually an active participant in said date.” Rick grinned, emphasizing his playfulness.
    “Oh.” Lena laughed. “Rick, I had a wonderful time. You were awesome up there tonight.”
    “Yeah, up there.” He pointed toward the bar. “But on a date, I shouldn’t have been…up there.  I should have been right here,” he said, pointing at the spot in front of her.  Then he held her with his finger and thumb by the chin and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “Can I take you out tomorrow night?”
    “Really? You don’t have to.”
    “Well, unless you’d rather read those books you’ve been waiting on?”
    Another gentle chuckle came from Lena. “No.  I’d much rather see you than read.”  Her face turned a lovely shade of pink and Rick thought, at long last, I’ve found what I’ve been searching for.
    Later that night, sitting in his recliner, he had no desire to light a cigarette. No desire to reach the girl from his past.  He was quite content…right here in the present.
    Lena put her head on her pillow that night and smiled to herself as she closed her eyes and thought about this evening. Being with Rick felt wonderful.  His hand felt just right when he held hers.  His kiss was …perfect on her lips.  When he hugged her goodbye at her door, she knew that in his arms she was meant to be…like being lost…and finding her way back home. Words really couldn’t describe the comfort and safety she felt when Rick held her, but the feelings were there.  Whether she could describe them or not, Rick was where she needed to be…who she'd been destined to be with.
    That was the last thought that blanketed her mind before she fell asleep…the last thought before her nightly dreams took over.  Only this time, they didn’t start off horribly.
    He had his guitar across his lap, tapping on it like it was a drum.  She peered out her door.
    “What are you doing here?  I saw you from the window.” She held herself in nervous composure. If Mother wakes...and…and …finds me…out here with you…well, she will just have my hide… and yours.”
    “Angie.” He smiled up at her, melting her heart. “You…lovely.” He stood to greet her.
    “Oh, Richard, stop.  I mean it.  If Mother sees you, I will be in so much trouble.”
    “Do you have a book on you?"
    “Yes.  You know I always do.” Angie reached inside her apron pocket and pulled out her favorite book, Elizabeth Bennet or, Pride and Prejudice. “But what does that have to do with your being here?”
    “Well.” Richard’s demonic grin implied something was up his sleeve. “If your sorry excuse for a mother wakes up

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