May the Road Rise Up to Meet You: A Novel

May the Road Rise Up to Meet You: A Novel by Peter Troy

Book: May the Road Rise Up to Meet You: A Novel by Peter Troy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Troy
Tags: Romance, Historical
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And it can be the four of ’em all together again.
    At’s done now, Son
. His Daddy says.
When Massa Leroux pass, ’at deal die wit’ him. We done speculated like a coupla white gennlemen o’ business. Like dem men jus’ bought you an’ me. Only we lost. We lost dis here speculation, Son
    Micah stands still, not entirely sure what his Daddy means.
    Fifty-six thousand, five hunnerd!
Another man from the crowd shouts.
Another says.
The auctioneer says, smiling bigger than ever.
    Fifty-seven, five hunnerd!
The auctioneer repeats, giddy now.
Where were you gentlemen earlier?
    And the crowd laughs.
    ’At’s right
. Micah’s Daddy mumbles.
Where was dey befo’?
He looks down at Micah and shakes his head.
Dey’s speculatin’ a little too late fo’ us
    And inside Micah there are no tears. Just an icy, far-off stare. Looking at nothing in particular. Not even wondering what his new world will be like. Not much caring. Just cold and dark. Deep inside.
    MICAH HADN’T SPENT MUCH OF his sixteen years engaged in conversation. Not with Daddy and Bellie around to do all the talkin’. And Micah preferred to listen anyway. Still, it was one thing to hear the playful chatter of his family. And another altogether to hear the stories of such a man as Clarence Dunmore. With him chained to the bench of the livery coach. First time Micah ever rode in a covered carriage. And it was sittin’ across the width of it from his new Massa. Watchin’ him sip from a flask. Left to hear the man’s life story. While all he could think about was how this man took him away from his Daddy and Momma and Bellie. And this man not knowin’ anything about the number. ’Bout the almost thousand pounds of indigo that was supposed to be his inheritance.
    Massa Dunmore was a man to be feared. Which he kept sayin’ to Micah over and over.
Tough as any soul in Albemarle County—even th’entire state of Virginia
. He said. Over and over. Especially after he took a swig from that flask.
    He stood five foot eight or so. Two inches less than Micah right now. And Micah with one last bit of growin’ still to come. Or so his Daddy used to say. But Dunmore was powerfully built, with thick arms and shoulders. Wide in the hips and chest. Unlike Micah. And Dunmore had meaty fists and a scowl fixed on his face, too. The kind that’d make few men want to mess with him even if it was Dunmore that started it.
    They pulled into the train station in Charleston and the bustle of it all was unlike anything Micah had ever seen. For a moment or two, hestopped thinking about his mother and sister back home. Or his father on his own way to Mississipp’. Just stood there mesmerized by all that he saw before him. Then Dunmore got angry at the train attendant. Began yanking on the chains that bound Micah’s wrists.
    Now dis here is my investment—an’ I ain’t gonna risk him jumpin’ off when the train slows down
. Dunmore shouted at the man, standing a little straighter and pausin’ for a second when he said the word
    Sir, the rules say he hasta ride in the livestock car with th’other slaves
. The attendant said, looking like he didn’t want to get Dunmore any more upset than he already was.
We have leg irons installed there, so there’s no need to worry
. He added, sweet as pie.
    Well I wanna look at whachu got set up, ’fore I let you take ’im
. Dunmore growled.
    And they walked to the rear cars. Dunmore jabbering to the attendant about how he had outbid a fancy slave-dealer from Charleston. How he spent seven hundred dollars on Micah.
    That’s a lot for a field hand
. The attendant said. And Micah shot the man a dirty look at the back of his head.
    Well I ain’t gonna USE him as a field hand
. Dunmore snapped.
This boy got special skills he learnt from his father. This boy gonna be my carpenter’s apprentice and he’s gonna make me a lotta money
    You a carpenter?
The attendant

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