Maximum Guilt (Hidden Guilt Book 2)

Maximum Guilt (Hidden Guilt Book 2) by Terry Keys

Book: Maximum Guilt (Hidden Guilt Book 2) by Terry Keys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Keys
her or my baby girl.
    I grabbed my cell phone and thumbed Lafitte’s number.
    “Paul, I pulled up a map to Stacy’s grandmother’s place. I’m thinking I’ll need someone to help navigate back there.  Looks like it’s right in the middle of the goddamn swamp. From what I gather there’s only one way in or out. You got anyone you can hook me up with?”
    “Guess we skipping all the pleasantries today?”
    “Sorry, Paul. Got ahead of myself, buddy. How are you and De Luca doing? Anything yet?”
    “De Luca and I are doing quite well. By this time next year, she’ll be Mrs. Paul Lafitte. And yes, I got somebody who can get you back there. His name is Randy Landry.”
    “I meant how are you doing with the case? And give me his number.”
    “We got in late last night. We’re diving in today with a visit to the crime scene. Then we’ll start chasing leads. 504.555.7685.”
    “I’ll give him a call in a few hours. Thanks. Keep me posted.”
    I disconnected with Lafitte and decided to call Miss Patty Jones. It was closing in on seven a.m., and old people never slept that late anyway, or so I reasoned.
    “Hello? Who’s this?”
    “Good morning, Miss Jones. This is Detective Porter from the Houston Police Department.”
    “Am I expecting your call, son? I don’t have any business in Houston. I think you have the wrong number.”
    “No, ma’am, you don’t know me, but I need to ask you a few questions about your granddaughter, Sta . . . I mean, Lisa.”
    The phone went silent.
    I cleared my throat. “Hello? Miss Jones, are you still with me?”
    “Yes, I’m here. Listen, I haven’t seen or spoken to Lisa in nearly fifteen years, son. I’m not sure how much help I can be.”
    “I understand, but I’d like to try, if that’s okay with you. I also have reason to believe she might be paying you a visit soon. It’s just a hunch.”
    She raised her voice an octave. “I did everything I could for Lisa and her sister, Brittany. Raised ’em both like they was my own, when they’d have me. Hard seein’ them up and leave. They never call or come see me. She’s okay, right?”
    My radar was pinging off the wall; her answers came fast and seemed a bit too perfect. “She’s alive and well, ma’am. I’m sorry she doesn’t contact you, Miss Jones. I need to call my grandmothers more often, too. We can be pretty selfish at times.”             
    “Not your fault, son. So, is my Lisa in some kind of trouble?”
    “I’d just like to ask her a few questions is all. No trouble yet.” 
    “Like I said, I haven’t seen her in many years. Slim chance she’ll show up all of a sudden, detective.”
    “What can you tell me about her uncle’s house burning down?”
    “Not really much to say. Lisa did it. We all know that much. Can’t say that I blame her. Joe messed with both of them little girls. Got what he had coming, if you ask me.”
    “So if everyone thinks Lisa did it, why isn’t she behind bars?”
    “You not very sharp for a detective. You do the math on when that happened? Lisa and her sister were both still minors; plus, they couldn’t find one shred of evidence suggesting either of them did it.”
    “I understand. It’s very important that I talk to Lisa. If you hear from her, please call my cell.” I rattled off my number.
    “All them girls been through, I’m amazed it’s taken ’em this long to find some trouble. If she calls or shows up should I tell her to contact you?”
    That was a million-dollar question if I’d ever heard one.
    “Yes ma’am. Please let her know that I need to ask her a few questions. Thank you.”
    I hung up. I didn’t believe a word she said.
    Chapter 20
    I went through some files and even spent time looking over the pictures Lafitte and De Luca were uploading from Carl Blake’s murder in Houston. Hunger pangs made my stomach growl as my body reminded me that I hadn’t eaten anything worthwhile in several

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