Mastered By The Boss
“I can’t go out like this!” Kali stared at her
reflection in the mirror.
    Embarrassment washed through her at the sight of
herself in the sexy leather bra and panties, with criss-crossing
bands of studded leather across her torso, and a black collar
studded with spikes around her neck. The six inch stiletto heels
she wore made her legs look incredibly long and sexy.
    She felt so brazen.
    “Of course you can,” Serena said to her.
    Serena wore a one piece latex bodysuit that showed
every curve. With a riding crop in her hand and handcuffs attached
to a loop at her waist, she looked like the perfect Dominatrix. She
seemed totally nonplussed by how blatantly sexy their outfits
    Kali pulled at the low cut bra, trying to cover more
of her breasts, with no success. She turned away from the mirror,
viewing her back over her shoulder. Way too much of her ass was on
    “But it’s so… revealing.”
    “It’s a costume party. It’s a great excuse to dress
    “Says you. I’d be happier in the princess
    Serena laughed and waved away Kali’s comment. “Come
on. You’re much more likely to get laid if you wear this.”
    “Who said I want to get laid?”
    “It’s been eight months. We both know you want to
get laid!”
    Kali compressed her lips. “Yeah, you’re right, it
has been a while, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to throw myself
at some stranger at a party.”
    Serena arched an eyebrow. “You might want to be open
to the idea. It’ll ease the tension.”
    “Not going to happen,” Kali insisted.
    But Serena was right about the tension. And being
around her boss, Ryan Blair, everyday didn’t make it any easier.
The man was an Adonis. Sexy. Masculine. Authoritative. God, she
melted every time he was near.
    But he was her boss so nothing could ever come of
    “Okay, if you insist you could put this on.” Serena
held up a tiny leather skirt.
    Kali took it and wrapped it around her hips. It
fastened with two snaps on the top band. It was extremely short,
barely covering her panties, and it was slit to the hip, leaving an
opening over one thigh. It did cover her nearly naked behind,
    Serena handed her a lipstick. Deep crimson red. Kali
applied it.
    “Okay, now we’re ready to go.” Serena grinned. “You
look fabulous.”
    “Serena, I really don’t think…”
    “If it helps, you can wear a mask the whole night.
Then no one will know it’s you. You can pretend to be someone else
    Serena held up a leather mask that looked like a
blindfold, but with eyeholes. She tied it around Kali’s head. As
Kali stared at the masked woman in the mirror, she could almost
believe she was someone else. Serena pulled on a mask of her
    “Now let’s go.”
    Serena grabbed Kali’s hand and dragged her from the
bedroom. At the front door, she pulled Kali’s coat from the closet
and handed it to her. When they stepped out into the cool, fall
night, Kali pulled her coat close around her, negotiating the
walkway carefully in her spike-heeled shoes.
    In the driveway, a long black car sat waiting.
    “A limousine?” Kali stared at Serena as her friend
pulled her toward the car.
    The driver opened the door and Serena urged her
inside, then climbed in after her.
    “Yeah, Mr. Jameson sent it.”
    Kali glanced nervously at the glass panel between
the driver and them.
    “You two are being pretty blatant about your
relationship,” Kali said.
    “It’s not a relationship,” Serena said. “It’s just
    “But he’s your boss.”
    “Yeah, and he loves that he bosses me around at work
and I boss him around in the bedroom.”
    “You really do that?” Kali’s gaze dropped to the
handcuffs at Serena’s waist.
    “Yup. Handcuffs and all. And he really does love it,
believe me.”
    The driver turned onto the highway and the limo
glided into high speed.
    “Where is this party?” Kali asked.
    “It’s at a lovely inn just outside the city.”

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