Mary of Nazareth

Mary of Nazareth by Marek Halter

Book: Mary of Nazareth by Marek Halter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marek Halter
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they don’t take pity on us either. Tomorrow, before I leave for Tarichea, I’ll put on my
am ha’aretz
rags again, that’s for sure.”
    Joachim frowned. “Tarichea? What do you want to go there for?”
    â€œTo find out what Herod’s mercenaries are up to—”
    â€œBut it’s much too soon!”
    â€œNo,” Barabbas said. “It’s been six days. I want to know what’s going on in Tarichea. Obadiah will go there and keep his ears open. He’s good at that kind of thing. He’ll leave tomorrow with one of the fishermen.”
    Joachim refrained from protesting. But his stomach felt tight with fear. The violence and hatred of the mercenaries had left as indelible a mark on his mind as on his body. But Barabbas was right. He himself would have given a lot to have news of his wife, Hannah. He would also have liked to know if the tax collectors, in revenge for his escape, had inflicted on Nazareth the suffering he had just evaded.
    If that was the case, he would have to give himself up and go back to prison in Tarichea. But that was something he could not tell Barabbas, let alone Miriam.
    â€œDon’t go yet,” he said, squeezing Obadiah’s small hands. “I think I promised you something when you were taking me away from the field of crosses, and I hate not keeping my promises.”
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 
    F IVE days later, leaning on Miriam’s shoulder, Joachim was trying out the use of his legs when Obadiah appeared. He leaped out of the boat before it touched shore, his face transfigured with excitement.
    â€œWe’re all that people are talking about!” he cried, before he had even had time to drink a cup of grape juice. “We’re the one topic of conversation. ‘Barabbas saved some people from the cross.’ ‘Barabbas humiliated Herod’s mercenaries.’ ‘Barabbas cocked a snook at the Romans…’ Anyone would think you’d become the Messiah!”
    There was more affection than mockery in Obadiah’s laughter, but Barabbas remained serious. “What about the fishermen? Did they have any trouble?”
    â€œQuite the contrary. They did as they said they would. They arrived in Tarichea with boats so full, the wind could hardly carry them. A truly miraculous catch. They were very angry at us for burning their boats and their market, just like the people of Tarichea. Everyone said we were ruffians, vandals, the shame of Galilee…Nice things like that. By the end of it, the mercenaries and the Romans were convinced we did it all by ourselves. Now, people are laughing behind their backs. Everyone’s happy to have fooled them.”
    This time, Barabbas relaxed, and Miriam stroked Obadiah’s tangled hair.
    â€œAnd did you manage to restrain yourself?” Barabbas asked, gently mocking. “Or did you tell everyone that you were the best friend of the great Barabbas?”
    â€œThere was no need.” Obadiah chuckled proudly. “They guessed anyway. I’ve never before had so much of what I wanted. I could have brought back a boatful.”
    â€œAnd gotten yourself denounced!” Joachim snorted.
    â€œDon’t worry, Joachim! I can spot informers a mile away. No one knew where I was sleeping or when they were going to see me. But did you know you’re famous, too? Everyone knows your story. Joachim of Nazareth, the man who dared to stick a spear in the belly of a tax collector and then escaped from the cross….”
    â€œIt wasn’t the belly, it was the shoulder,” Joachim muttered testily. “And I don’t think it’s such a good thing that everyone’s talking about me. What about news from Nazareth? Do you have any?”
    Obadiah shook his head. “No, I didn’t have time to go there….”
    Joachim looked at Barabbas, then at Miriam. “I’m worried for them. The mercenaries don’t

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