Married to the Bad Boy

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Book: Married to the Bad Boy by Letty Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Letty Scott
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wife walking out.
    “Kami?” He asked.
    I went to hide behind Brandon. So he had recognized me. I felt like I was going to break down.
    Brandon was acting a little protective over me as his back stiffened up and he wrapped one arm behind him to pull me closer to him. “Who are you? How do you know my wife?”
    “Wife? What the hell are you talking about? My daughter can’t be married to you,” my father yelled. I hadn’t even thought about the fact I was married to Brandon and how he would take it if he knew who I was. This wasn’t that great of an outcome with the anger coming from my father’s voice.
     “Honey, calm down. We don’t need to make a scene here in front of the guests. Maybe we can go to a more private room and talk,” his wife told him in a calm voice as I buried my face in Brandon’s back. “Look, you’re scaring her.”
    “You’re right, Emily,” I heard my father telling her. “Kami, come here and let your father see how much you’ve grown up.” There he was, acting like the caring father when in reality he was a deadbeat. I let go of Brandon and ran away. When I got closer to the doors, I heard him calling my name, but I didn’t stop. Right before I was outside, I heard my father ask, “What the fuck did you hit me for?”
    I ran down the walk away to the beach hoping to get far away from that man as I could until someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face a pair of raging brown eyes. “You need to stop running away from me. How am I going to keep you safe if all you do is run away from me?” he yelled in my face as the tears of heartache ran down my cheeks.
    “I understand that bastard who just married my mother’s best friend is your father. For the love of God, don’t run away like that from me again.”
    “Brandon, I’m sorry. I wasn’t running away from you. I was running away from him. I wanted him to feel the same pain he put me through when he walked away from me.”
    Brandon didn’t say anything else. He just wrapped me back in his embrace until his mother showed up looking madder than hell. “What’s going on? Why did you hit Emily’s husband?” she was questioning him.
    “Mom, I promise I did what was needed at the time. We will explain everything once we get home.” Brandon tried to explain as he walked us back to where the wedding reception was being held and sat us down at a table where Mr. Mitchell was sitting, plus a few other guests.
    We sat there in silence as we ate our dinner and tried not to think about what was going on between us and the newly married couple. At one pointed I looked up to see my father was watching me with resentment in his eyes. I guess me running away made him feel the pain he had put me through, but that didn’t mean I forgave him for the trouble he gave me.
    After dinner and the first dance were over and the bride was dancing with her father, I saw my father walking over to us.
    “Brandon, I need to get out of here, now.”
    Brandon looked up and saw my father coming to us and stood up and grabbed my hand, but was too late as my father put his hand on his shoulder. “Son, I don’t want any trouble. I just want to dance with my daughter.”
     The way he was talking like he had never left me and was still this loving father was really starting to get on my last nerve. When I stood up and looked at him in the eyes, I just let it all go.
    “You lost the right to call me your daughter when you vanished all those years ago. You’re welcome to take that dance you wanted from me and shove it up your ass. I’m also willing to bet that your wife didn’t even know you had a daughter.” I yelled, not caring who overheard me as I poked him with my finger.
    Looking around the room, I could see people were watching us now. Even his new bride stopped dancing to see what the commotion was about. Brandon laughing next to me didn’t really help the situation, but it brought a smile to my face to know he didn’t leave

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