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Book: Marked by Aline Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aline Hunter
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with a
werewolf and you’ve decided to go to bat for the other team? Is that it?”
    I am the other team.
    One thought provided clarity and a dizzying amount of
relief. What Jackson had told her was true. The mark on her wrist wasn’t a
coincidence. Her father had passed his genes—his werewolf genes—to her.
Like a key opening a lock to the unknown, her future and what it held seemed
limitless. There was no room for fear, only acceptance and a small spark of
excitement. There was so much she would be able to do, so many things she’d be
able to learn. And she’d learn them with a sexy-as-sin man who set her blood on
    Holy wow.
    The simple thought made her skin prickle with heat,
anticipation pumping through her system. The night before had been an
appetizer. She wanted to touch him, tease him and taste him. There were no
limits. Jackson wasn’t a blushing violet. He wanted her open, honest and raw.
There wouldn’t be any secrets. Only two people exploring everything together.
    For a moment she imagined his fingers darting over her
throat, her flesh tingling at the remembrance of his caress. Tonight he’d touch
her again. He’d expose her to his gaze, eyes combing over her in lust, and
she’d let him.
    Elation and desire turned to sadness when she met Rachel’s
    How did she explain that she’d always been different? She
just hadn’t known how different until now.
    “What if I told you I was meant to find Jackson?” she asked
slowly, attempting to broach the topic in a way Rachel wouldn’t feel threatened
by. “What if I said our meeting wasn’t accidental?”
    “I’d say you’ve been reading too many Paranormal Junkies magazines and romance novels.”
    “I’m serious.”
    Rachel drummed her fingers over her hipbones and tossed her
long, red-hued hair over her shoulder. “I’d want to know where you’re getting
your information from. FYI, a palm reader with a crystal ball doesn’t count.”
    “My father,” Chloe blurted, knowing she had to be honest.
“It’s all because of him.”
    “Whoa. Back up.” Rachel lowered her hands, confusion etched
on her face, no longer on the offensive. “How did the topic go from Jackson to
your father?”
    “My father isn’t human.”
    “Hello, I know that. We’ve had this discussion.” Rachel
rolled her eyes as though she could communicate her agitation to the good lord
above. “He’s an asshole you’re better off without.”
    “That’s not what I mean.”
    “Then what do you mean?”
    There was no going back. Once Rachel knew the truth she
could take it or leave it. The walls seemed to close in as Chloe took a deep
breath, afraid of the ramifications of sharing the news, knowing she didn’t
have any other choice.
    Stop delaying the inevitable.
    Resigned, she exhaled softly and said, “My father isn’t
human. He’s a werewolf.”
    “He’s a what ?” Rachel hoped like hell her ears were
deceiving her. Chloe had to be making a funny. A really stupid fucking funny.
She didn’t appreciate the attempt at bad humor.
    “You heard me.” Chloe tucked a couple of unruly curls behind
her ear, a nervous habit Rachel had become accustomed to. “Don’t parrot.”
    Don’t parrot . A regular phrase the two used that
seemed so out of place.
    “Why are you only telling me this now?” Rachel grappled for
words. “How could you keep something like that from me?”
    “I didn’t keep anything from you. I didn’t find out until
last night.”
    “Last night? Was this before or after you visited The Wolf’s
    “A bit of both, actually.” Chloe blushed, the apples of her
cheeks turning red. “I always thought I was different but it wasn’t until I
went into The Wolf’s Den and met Jackson…” She exhaled slowly and shifted her
feet, clasping her hands together. After a moment she cleared her throat and
whispered, “That’s when I knew for sure.”
    It wasn’t hard to imagine what her friend was thinking
about. Chloe was

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