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Book: Marked by Aline Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aline Hunter
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    It should have been an omen of positive things to come, a
ray of sunshine breaking through treacherous clouds. She could finally ask the
questions she’d always wanted answers to and learn things about herself she’d
always wanted to know. She’d gotten a few snippets of knowledge, learning her
father was in fact a werewolf and that he’d abandoned her mother early in her
pregnancy. It had seemed like things were taking an upswing when she settled
into the chair in grandfather’s office, the men in her life getting along
famously, providing her their undivided attention.
    Then, out of the blue, Rachel had shown up.
    When she’d stormed inside the office and saw Chloe sitting
beside an enormous werewolf whose hand rested possessively on her thigh a look
of betrayal and hurt flashed across her face. Chloe knew how bad it looked.
She’d called Rachel in a panic, unable to tell her anything about the night
before, only to have her friend find her safe and unharmed at home. It was then
Chloe knew her questions would have to wait. If she wanted to salvage the one
friendship she’d relied on her entire life, it was time to start sucking up.
    Too bad Rachel wasn’t in a forgiving mood.
    As soon as they’d made it to Chloe’s room Rachel let it fly.
Chloe listened as her friend vented, knowing how it felt when a person needed
an outlet. When she learned Rachel had traveled to The Wolf’s Den looking for
her, she couldn’t mask a sympathetic wince.
    Rachel didn’t like things she didn’t understand—especially
things that had the ability to shift forms and kill people. It was the primary
interest the friends didn’t have in common. Chloe didn’t say a word as
she finished packing her things, aware she wasn’t going to be able to avoid a
confrontation forever. At least all of her eggs were finally in one
basket. No more unexpected or unwelcome surprises.
    “You should have called me or at least answered your phone,”
Rachel repeated, voice heated. “I went looking for you! I could have become a
Scooby snack.”
    “I didn’t have a chance,” she finally said, zipping her bag
closed. “I planned on calling you as soon as I got home.”
    “Your new boyfriend wouldn’t have anything to do with the
loss of brain cells, would he?” Rachel snapped. “You couldn’t pry yourself away
from him for five minutes to tell me you were okay? Don’t you think I deserved
that much? You said you were in deep shit, Chloe! I was scared to death.”
    “Believe it or not I wasn’t thinking about you at the time.”
She knew it sounded cold but she and Rachel had always been honest with each
other. “I wanted you to tell Gram and Gramps I was okay so they wouldn’t worry.
In case it’s slipped your notice, I’m dealing with some crazy shit right now.”
    “Believe me, I noticed. It’s kind of impossible not to when
you bring a werewolf home. What are you thinking? You know how dangerous they
are.” Rachel lowered her voice. Anger marred the beauty of her face. “He could
hurt you and your family. You’ve seen the news. You know what they’re capable
    “Yes, I’ve seen the news.” She whipped around, facing
Rachel. “News that’s brought to the public by humans, with human interests, who
don’t trust the paranormal things they discriminate against. Jackson would
never hurt any of us. You don’t know him, Rach.”
    “You don’t know him either,” Rachel shot back. “You just met
the guy.”
    “You’re wrong.”
    There was a part of her that knew Jackson better than she
knew anyone else. The connection between them was so strong she knew precisely
where he was in the house—exactly where she’d left him at the foot of the
stairs—as though she could feel him somehow. In fact, she was anxious to
leave the room and return to him, craving his scent and closeness. He replaced
anxiety with calm, eradicating the doubts that plagued her.
    Rachel plopped her hands on her slim hips. “One night

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