Mark of Four

Mark of Four by Tamara Shoemaker

Book: Mark of Four by Tamara Shoemaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara Shoemaker
training facility will be able to work with all four elements at the end of this year, but only to a small extent. They will never be able to master the other elements. A Quadriweave, on the other hand, has the ability to master all four elements equally.” He regarded her silently for a moment. “It would be much the same as a goldfish swimming in his little bowl of water compared to a Great White Shark swimming in the ocean, Alayne. Elementals can tap a small amount of another element, but a Quadriweave has extensive use of all four.”
    “Sir, I’m no different from anyone else. I don’t know what the tests showed, but...”
    “You saw the tests right in front of you, Alayne. The color-wheels are representative of each element. The brighter they are, the stronger their influence in your abilities. Usually, when an Elemental sits for their assessment, they will see one or two color-wheels, all the same color, and only one that is bright enough to claim as their element. But you,” he picked up a pen and pointed it at her, “had sixteen color-wheels representing all four elements, all extremely bright.”
    Alayne searched for words. “But Dr. Grath labeled my plaque as a Water-Wielder. If I’m a Quadriweave, then why did he give me that label? And why didn’t he just tell me himself?”
    “Dr. Grath went by the information you gave him when you told him you enjoyed most water sports. He figured that was your natural starting element, and from your first day here, it appears he was right. He didn’t tell you that you were a Quadriweave, first, because he wanted to get a second opinion since Quadriweaves are so rare, and secondly, because we have to be extremely sensitive with this information.”
    The Chairman got to his feet, picking up a box of fish food and opening a flap above the tank, scattering flakes across the top. He shook his head and sighed as he returned the box to its place. All the fish swarmed the surface of the water.
    “You saw me ask Tarry to run an errand. I didn’t want to have any chance of her overhearing this information. There are two reasons why you must keep this information to yourself, Alayne. First of all, you have the potential to wield so much power, and as much as you seem like a solid, well-grounded girl, that could pose a problem for you and for us later. I’m telling you now, because if you choose to, and I hope you will, you can use your extra talents for good. You will also be able to achieve success in your efforts more easily than other Elementals around you.” He eyed her, his hand picking restlessly at a piece of paper on his desk. He leaned forward. “But secondly, I’m warning you to be on your guard.”
    “Quadriweaves, Alayne, have great power. Power always attracts people who are greedy for power. If people know about your abilities, some will try to take advantage of you and what you can do. Now, since seeing your assessment results, I’ve been doing a lot of research on Quadriweaves, and there are still several questions that need to be resolved. The main thing I’m concerned about is Shadow-Casting.”
    Alayne flinched. Her mother’s warning before her last run up the mountain staccato-stepped through her mind: Once you’re Casted, you’re completely under their power .
    “I don’t know for sure the effect Shadow-Casting has on a Quadriweave—it’s possible that a Quadriweave’s abilities are so great that Shadow-Casting would not have any effect at all. But I don’t want to risk it; if a Shadow-Caster found out about your abilities, your very powerful abilities, do you see how dangerous that could be?”
    Alayne sat limply in her chair. She didn’t know what to say.
    “I can see I’ve overwhelmed you, Alayne, and I’m sorry. You shouldn’t worry. You’ll do well in your studies, and I am excited to see how your talents progress this year. Should be interesting. Meanwhile,” Chairman Dorner rose and circled the desk.

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