Mark of Caine Trilogy: Book One: Hidden in the Shadows (Victorian Villains)

Mark of Caine Trilogy: Book One: Hidden in the Shadows (Victorian Villains) by Catherine Lloyd

Book: Mark of Caine Trilogy: Book One: Hidden in the Shadows (Victorian Villains) by Catherine Lloyd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Lloyd
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Chapter One

    Windsor Castle ~ May 1868

    A SERIES of
catastrophic events had landed Laura Mayhew in Gateshead Insane Asylum and
would keep her there if she was not careful to hold her tongue.
    “It is a sticky situation. She was lady’s
maid to my daughter, Princess Louise. She is nineteen now and ought to have her
emotions under better control. If there was an alternative, I would not have
had to summon you but the situation has become untenable. My hands are tied.”
    Queen Victoria turned with a sullen frown
to gaze at the man standing before her. The history she had given him of the
problem was sparse, her reasons were weak, but Tanner Caine appeared unperturbed. He stood at attention like an officer awaiting his orders.
    “It has been rumoured that madness runs in
our veins but I can assure you, Laura Mayhew is too distantly related to offer
royal blood as an explanation for this bizarre story she is spreading.
Unfortunately, she is also too closely related to the royal family to be wholly
ignored by Parliament. Something must be done to silence her and soon. That is
all I can tell you. The events that have led up to this action cannot be
written down or entrusted to anyone’s hearing. Do you understand? Suffice to say,
the blow to the Crown would be fatal if certain powerful men began to take her
story seriously.”
    “What is it you need me to do?”
    Victoria’s shoulders sagged with relief. It
was this forthright presence of mind that she treasured most about the former
naval officer. One did not have to waste one’s breath with troublesome
explanations. Tanner Caine understood all. He was her
boots on the ground, her spy in the streets. He had more than once extricated
the Prince Regent out of a sexual scrape and cleaned up Bertie’s mess. The fellow had become invaluable to her since the Prince Consort’s
untimely death six years before. Caine got things
done. Tasks that were too unsavoury for Her Majesty’s Service to take on, she
would send for Mr. Caine , and all would be settled
discreetly and efficiently.
    But even a man as capable and obedient as
Tanner Caine would have his limit and Victoria
hesitated before trying that limit. She did not want to lose him. She valued
the fellow’s good opinion almost as much as his unswerving loyalty.
    “Laura’s father is Horatio Mayhew, a
distant cousin of Prince William of Denmark, now King George I of Greece.
Horatio has fallen on a financial sword since the Emancipation Proclamation in
America. I understand he had holdings in South Carolina. Clearly, he backed the
wrong horse. Mayhew lost everything with the exception of his tenuous claim to
royalty. He is weak. He will sell us out for a price and I cannot rely on him
to keep his daughter in check. As it stands, he does not believe her tale but
if she is allowed to roam the streets of London, God knows the trouble she
could stir up.”
    “Where is Sir Mayhew now?”
    “He is touring the Continent and plans to
do so until the end of the year. He and Lady Mayhew have abandoned their
daughter to her fate. Quite sensibly.” Victoria
grunted. “They cannot help her if she will not help herself. In any case, the
girl has refused everyone’s help and counsel.”
    “I understand your concern, ma’am.”
    “Precisely so. I knew you would, Mr. Caine . You
understand everything. The question is whether there is anything you can do to
help.” Victoria dabbed a lace handkerchief at the base of her throat. They were
having an unbearably damp spring. Windsor Castle had never been less
    “I believe I can. What are your orders?”
    Her shrewd eyes took in the young man.
Tanner Caine was the most powerful man in England but
no one knew it. He was dishonourably discharged from the Royal Navy almost six
years ago for reasons that he refused to discuss. Victoria knew what was in the
naval record, but Caine refused to explain himself or
give his side of the story. He was a private citizen now,

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