Marisa Chenery

Marisa Chenery by A Warrior to Love

Book: Marisa Chenery by A Warrior to Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Warrior to Love
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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fight the urge anymore.” Anubis sighed. It’s all right, Konner. I had hoped Alexis would have reacted better at seeing you in this form.
    “Why would you think that? She didn’t know what I was.”
    The other night when she slept over, I took what I thought were steps to help ease her into your world. When she was working on your laptop, I had it go to a page she thought was on the internet. It gave her plenty of information about my warriors. I even included a sketch of what you look like shifted.
    After she read that, I drew her to this room. I’d hoped she’d sort of put everything together and guess on her own what you were. But it obviously didn’t work like that.
    “No, it didn’t. She was scared shitless of me. Thus the pepper spray in the face.”
    She’ll come to accept you. The other warriors who have found their mates went through this and didn’t lose the ones meant for them. Alexis will come around.
    “I hope so. For now I’m stuck at home until I shift back. I wish I had Alexis here. The thought of the demon finding her while I’m not there to protect her haunts me.” Go to her tomorrow. She should be okay for tonight. I don’t think the demon will be back that soon, especially after the pepper spray. By morning you’ll be back in your human form and you can go after your mate.
    Konner felt Anubis’ presence fade away. He looked down at himself, and for the first time, wished he had the ability to shift at will, to undo whatever spell the demon had used. The look of fear on Alexis’ face as she’d stared at him in this form would be something he wouldn’t be able to forget.
    * * * * *
    Alexis had managed to find a taxi not too far from the restaurant to take her home. Once she’d arrived, she had ignored the questions her mother and father had asked as to why she’d come back so early. Even when her mom had come to knock on Alexis’ bedroom door she ignored her.
    She’d gotten undressed and put on her pajamas before she’d climbed into bed and curled up into a ball.
    There she stayed until morning, not able to sleep. Her mind kept replaying Konner shifting into that creature.
    Along with it, all the information she’d read on that website worked its way in with it. What she thought was just a myth wasn’t. The demon had called Konner a warrior of Anubis. But it couldn’t be.
    Once dawn lightened the sky, Alexis dragged her aching body out of bed. Her head pounded from lack of sleep and her muscles protested as she uncurled from her cramped position.
    She stretched, then sat on her bed, staring at nothing for the next couple of hours, feeling numb. But then the need to read that web page took hold and had her rushing to the laptop she kept in her room. Once it booted up she did a search for the website, but nothing came up. There was absolutely nothing on warriors of Anubis. It was if the page she’d seen that night had never existed.
    Hearing her parents moving around, Alexis knew she couldn’t stay locked inside her bedroom. Her mom would become too concerned, would demand to know what had happened last night. Alexis couldn’t tell her parents the truth. They wouldn’t believe her.
    After running a brush through her hair, she opened her bedroom door and headed for the kitchen. Her parents were sitting at the table quietly talking. They both grew silent when they saw her.
    Her mom stood and came to stand in front of Alexis.
    “Honey, is everything okay?”
    Alexis shook her head. “Not really.”
    “Did you and Konner have a fight?”
    “Sort of.”
    “I’m sorry to hear that, but if it isn’t too serious, you both can still make your relationship work. You love him. Was it bad enough to say goodbye for good?” Alexis wished she could tell her mom everything, but that wasn’t going to happen. Did she still love Konner? During the night, she’d only thought of how scared she’d been of him, didn’t remember what it was like before she’d seen him shift. But

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