Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) by Laura Marie Page B

Book: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) by Laura Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Marie
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Our daughter is alive and back home where she belongs,” Teressa whispered.
    Elloisa stared at her mother. She looked the same aside from the bloodshot eyes and the tired expression. She knew they had heard about her escape and how they evaded an ambush.
    “How did you make it across the mountains and the desert?” Jerry asked her.
    “It was brutal, but I was determined to get home.”
    They asked a few more questions and filled her in on John’s part and the latest intel on Armando’s men. Elloisa felt herself leaning back against the couch. Despite not seeing her family in over a year, she felt at home and comfortable. The idea that she could finally rest for a decent amount of time caused her to yawn.
    Agent Thomas cleared his throat and began to speak.
    “We have some things to go over with you, Elloisa. They are important to our investigation,” he exclaimed with attitude.
    Elloisa exhaled.
    “I have been with my family for less than ten minutes, Agent Williams. I haven’t slept in days and my head is pounding. I would prefer to discuss this at a later time.”
    She dismissed him with finesse, and her brothers seemed shocked but also tickled by it. From the moment they arrived, Williams had given them all the stare down and appeared to be analyzing their every response and move.
    “Maybe Elloisa is tired. Perhaps some rest before dinner?” Jerry interrupted the awkward moment and Elloisa was grateful.
    She nodded in agreement then placed the back of her hand against the side of her forehead. “I am a bit tired, sir. I feel kind of dizzy, so a rest sounds good.”
    Her father looked at her strangely then quickly smiled to cover up whatever he felt.
    She stood up from the couch.
    Mathew rose from the couch ready to accompany her to her room along with everyone else. She paused before they could follow.
    “I will find my way. No need to follow so close.”
    Mathew smiled.
    “Of course, Elloisa. Your room is all ready. Extra blankets are in the closet if you need them.”
    “Thank you, Mathew.” She stared at him a moment, recalling how he was shot and that she saw him fall to the ground with a thump. She saw all the blood and just knew he was dead. Armando told her he was dead.
    Mathew held her gaze as if he understood what she was thinking and remembering.
    The word “sorry” sat on the tip of her tongue. She was so sorry for falling in love with Armando. Sorry for not having enough faith in her family. She was sorry for more things than she had time at the moment to remember and go through one by one. Instead she pulled him into an embrace, and her brother held her close.
    “I’m so happy that you are alive,” she whispered then kissed his cheek and released him.

    * * * *

    “We’re all involved with this from here on out. Understand, Agent Williams? Mathew asked as he stood next to his friend John.
    “I told you, Mathew, we have our agents working on the case.”
    “Well, we’re working on the case, as well. We want Sintorez and his whole operation brought down,” Mathew added then crossed his arms in front of his chest. He stared at Agent Williams, not sure that he really liked the guy.
    “We understand your position, and there’s a lot at stake here. We still have agents in the field,” Williams told them, and John spoke next.
    “They thought their sister was dead, for Christ’s sake, Williams. Let them help where they can. We can use their skills and the cooperation of every department we’ve got.”
    “What have you got so far, and what do you need from us?” Salvatore asked.
    “Right now, we need all the information we can get from your sister. She has spent the last year right by Armando’s side. She’s bound to know information our undercover agents weren’t privy to,” Williams said.
    “She needs to recover—”
    Jack looked up towards the ceiling, knowing his baby sister was upstairs, home, alive, but on the defensive.
    She downright refused to talk to Gustavo, Williams

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