Mandy's Story

Mandy's Story by D'Elen McClain

Book: Mandy's Story by D'Elen McClain Read Free Book Online
Authors: D'Elen McClain
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    “ Our men like control.
They like to fight and they never lose unless it’s against each
other. When that happens, everyone backs off because you do not
want to be around an angry bear.”
    “ Honey can have all the
control he wants, but there’s no way I’ll let him win at something
if I can beat him. If… he gives me attitude, he will be an even
unhappier bear.”
    Sonora’s smile grew until she began
laughing. “I think you are exactly what my son needs. The only
person to ever best him is his father. One day that won’t be the
case and Honey will be The Kodiak.”
    A look of horror settled on Mandy’s
face. “Honey would never kill his father.”
    It took a moment, but finally Sonora
spoke. “I’d forgotten that wolf challenges for alpha are to the
death. Quite barbaric, my dear. Bears are different. Though it’s
tough when an alpha’s defeated, they often survive the battle.
Bears don’t procreate easily and it’s important we don’t lose them
to bear power plays.”
    It was impossible for Mandy to keep
quiet on the subject of clan politics. “Bears might be different,
but your kind is barbaric in how they treat women and children. I’m
planning to work alongside Honey and be a part of his life, not sit
in the background and wait for him to return home.”
    Sonora looked stunned. “You would work
at the club?”
    “ Of course. I love people.
I’m more than capable of keeping customers in line, and I love to
dance. I’ll make a better partner to Honey if I’m part of his
life.” Mandy gave Sonora a determined look.
    A twinkle entered the older woman’s
eyes. “If you go to the club, especially to dance, I know a few
she-bears who would love to be there. Please keep me
    Mandy felt red creeping into her cheeks
over her next question. “I’ve… umm… ordered a package for Honey and
I need it picked up from the post office. It’s a gift and a secret.
Is there anyway someone could give me a ride to town to get
    Sonora didn’t acknowledge Mandy’s
uncomfortable behavior. “I’d be glad to take you if Honey
    “ I don’t want him to know
he’s getting a surprise.”
    “ Then we’ll tell him I’m
showing you around. When do you want to leave?”
    “ An hour would be perfect.
I’m hoping Honey returns soon so we can work on making a
    Sonora laughed on her way to the sink
to rinse out her mug. “I’m glad you’re here, Mandy. We’ve been
stuck in our ways for a long time and it’ll be nice to have a
breath of fresh air. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

Chapter Twenty
    Honey didn’t return before Sonora
picked her up, which put angst in each step Mandy took as she got
ready. The man needed to communicate. He seemed to be two different
people… sometimes fun and carefree, but most often serious and all
he-bear. She preferred the carefree Honey more and knew she’d need
to work on him so he-bear didn’t make regular
    The trip into town was uneventful. They
took The Kodiak’s large truck and had a man at the hardware store
load a new front door for the cabin. Mandy picked up her package,
but blushed slightly when Sonora asked about it. “It’s a surprise
for Honey and I’ll let him tell you if he wants.” Mandy knew this
was one surprise Honey wouldn’t be sharing.
    “ Don’t spoil him too much
or he’ll go soft,” Sonora teased.
    “ I’d like to make
something special for dinner, too, if you don’t mind stopping at
the grocery store.”
    Sonora nodded with a smile and muttered
under her breath, “Soft it is.”
    They arrived home two hours later.
Honey stood in the doorway and didn’t look happy.
    “ Oh dear, you did leave
him a note, didn’t you?” Sonora looked at her less-than-cordial son
as she spoke to Mandy before they got out of the truck.
    “ Nope, he told me he
wouldn’t be gone long and he messed that up, so he got to stew for
a while, and I’m sure it did him good.” She

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