Man Without a Heart

Man Without a Heart by Anne Hampson

Book: Man Without a Heart by Anne Hampson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Hampson
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Sounds invaded the air —cicidas in the olive trees and crickets in dark places, the call of a night bird, the melancholy strains of bouzouki music drifting up over the hills from some small hamlet where the caf eneion was still open.
    In the distance, silhouetted against the deep purple sky, rose the fretted summits of the one mountain range, on top of which stood, in stark outline, the ruins of a Venetian castle. All was magic, with that soporific gentleness in the atmosphere found only on a Greek island. A deep sigh escaped her and she turned to her husband, lifting her face, touching his with a finger, shyly, impulsively, and he smiled down at her and bent his head to take her softly parted lips beneath his own, and his manner with her was infinitely gentle. 'Let's go in,' he said again, his arm coming about her waist. 'It's very late and I'm sure you're as tired as I'
    'Tired?' The word escaped before she could suppress it, and she coloured on hearing him say, 'Don't worry, my wife, I will never be too tired to make love to you.'
    It was after they had made love and were lying close, the room bathed in the warm glow from the bedside lamp, that Adam asked her if she had e ver been to a village wedding. 'No,' she replied. 'Working in Athens, I never got to know any villagers.'
    'On Saturday, I want you to come to a wedding with me. Mother will be there, and so you must come, too. We'll be there for two days.'
    Jill turned her head, dragging her mind back from the sensuous languor into which it had floated after its wild, tempestuous flight to the boundless heights of paradise. 'Who's getting married? Two days, did you say?' she added, as the fact registered.
    'We're invited for the previous day's activities as well. The bride used to work for Mother as a maid, and we'll be expected to attend.' He paused, and his features hardened perceptibly. 'Tell me, do you and your Gilbert have plans?'
    'I was going out with him —'
    'You won't be, not on those two days,' broke in Adam inexorably. 'You'll have to put him off.'
    'But ... two days.' She frowned. In fact, she was overjoyed at the prospect of two days with Adam, but she could hardly let him see how she felt.
    'Most village weddings last for three, as you probably know. Often we go just for the day of the ceremony, but for this one we're invited for the previous day too.' Something in his voice convinced her that he had manoeuvered it, and that they could have attended just for the actual wedding ceremony and the reception afterward.
    'So there's no way out of it?'
    His face hardened. 'Do you want to get out of it?'
    She paused, vitally aware of the long hard length of his frame against her naked body, and the hand curled round her arm.
    'No, Adam,' she said, 'I don't want to get out of it.'
    'Then you'll make your excuses to Gilbert?'
    'I shall have to.... ' Her voice trailed away to a frowning silence, because it was all wrong to speak of Gilbert after the glorious rapture of her interlude with Adam; her love for him was overflowing, and she hated to let anything or anyone intrude on her consciousness of it. With a little murmur of pleasure she turned to bend her body more closely to his, and her arm came around him.
    His warm hands roved over her soft white flesh, from her face and throat to the tender curves of her breasts and tiny waist, moving to her stomach and lower, his fingers tantalising all the time, featherlight, then masterfully cruel, bringing her alive again to his physical magnetism, to the invincible power he had over her senses. Her breathing became erratic; his mouth was moist against her breast, the sensuous lips open wide to take their fill, the roughness of his tongue a scorching friction on the nipple.
    The possessive exploration of his hands was the stimulating heat that sent the blood drumming in her head, dancing through her veins. Rapture spread gently, gaining power until spasms of ecstasy shuddered through her body as her stormy surrender

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