Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife
After the
flies left me, fogginess invaded and covered my eyes in a film of
whiteness. I tried to move my legs, my arms even but it was like my
body had switched off or wasn’t accepting my instructions.
    In the
distance of my state, I heard Sebastian growl and push himself
deeper inside me, trying to crawl up into my entrance. He held
himself there as he roared out his release. I swear I could feel
the intense hotness invading my core before his big body dropped
down onto me like a wet stone sinking to the bottom of the sea.
    After that, I
had no clue what happened because my whole world darkened and shut

    I dare you to
let me be...
    My eyes opened
what I assumed was some time later to see and feel Sebastian wiping
the inside of my thighs and my pussy with a damp cloth,
    Oh God, how
embarrassing. I tried to wiggle away from him but he wasn’t having
any of it. No-one had ever taken the time to clean me up afterwards
whether I wanted them too or not. “Keep still.” He chided.
    Sighing, I
rested my pounding head back on my pillow and watched from my
position as he continued to wipe me down, his strokes long and
soft. His eyes were heavy lidded and his face was a mask of
concentration and fulfilment, I think.
    When he
finished, he dumped the flannel on one of my chest of drawers and
crawled up the side of my squeaky bed and lay down beside me then
smiled down at me. “Hey, baby. Are you back with me, now?”
    I nodded and
groaned, feeling like I shouldn’t have moved at all. My head
pounded like a sledgehammer against my skull. “Yes.”
    “Good. I was
thinking about some food. When did you last eat?”
    “What time is
it now?” I asked, trying not to move my head as I looked around the
room. Even the roll of my eyes hurt.
eleven. So, food,”
    “A while ago,”
The last thing I remembered eating with that tub of ice cream that
made me feel as if I’d been at the fair and eaten too much
artificial sugar.
    “Good.” He
smiled, pressed a quick kiss to my lips then stood up from the bed,
still gloriously naked. He reached down for his jeans and pulled
out his phone then began fiddling with it. I closed my eyes and let
my body relax back against the bed.
    I felt the bed
dip next to me and opened my eyes again to see Sebastian looking
down at me, his face was relaxed and open. His eyes were glazed and
glistening, his smile easy on his face. “You’re beautiful, you know
    I snorted and
turned my head. Sebastian grabbed my chin and turned my head back
towards him. “I’m not.” I protested. I wasn’t beautiful. I was me
and I was just Victoria, nothing more.
    “Can you feel
that?” he asked as he searched my face.
    My brows
pulled together wondering what he was talking about. “What?”
    “Feel it.” He
thrust his hips against my side where I felt his rapidly hardening
shaft pressing against me, trailing wet kisses across my skin. “I’m
already raring to go again and all because you’re beautiful.”
    Another snort
left me as I rolled my eyes and held back the groan of pain that
went with it. “Your body just knows it’s next to a willing
pushed up from the bed so quickly, he made me dizzy. He paced the
length of my small room, his hands fisting in his hair, his face
not so open anymore. I bit my lip as his body tensed and his
muscles bunched together.
    “You just
don’t get it do you?”
    I sighed and
blew out a breath. “Get what?”
    “That I love
you. Damn it, Victoria.” He shouted making me wince.
    Hell. “Loving
me doesn’t mean that I sexually entice you or turn you on.”
    You could love
someone in the friendly way or love them romantically but still be
not turned on by them. Just because your heart beat for them didn’t
mean everything else did too, right?
looked at me like I’d lost my ever loving mind or maybe it was a
look that said he wanted to strangle me. Who knew? “That’s complete
bullshit and you

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