Man of Mystery

Man of Mystery by L.B. Wilde Page A

Book: Man of Mystery by L.B. Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.B. Wilde
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    “A simple chicken salad since you where thinking of ordering that the other night.  Is that ok?” he asks so sweetly.  She is astonished that he remembered how touching.
    “That sounds perfect.” she replies “So I’m glad I have a chance to thank you in person for the flowers you sent the other day.  I’ve never received flowers before, it was very charming.”
    “I’m glad you liked them.” Smiling so smugly, “You’re telling me a beautiful girl like you has never received flowers before?  I am truly baffled!”  Nathan replies with a slightly surprised expression.
    “Well” looking down at her hands trying to control a blush, “I’ve never really had a boyfriend to speak of and this is really kind of new for me.  I’m not trying to say that you are my boyfriend or anything but I mean I never received flowers from a man before” Oh my gosh, open mouth insert foot, really flustered and her stupid mouth just made her look like an ass.  OK Brandy try to seem like a normal person.
    His smile is so real and his dimples are so glorious when she looks up, he has no idea how stupid she feels but he is warmed by it obviously with his expression.  This is weird but nice and makes her feel a little more at ease. He looks so intently at her having a hard time meeting his eyes, it’s like he is examining her to see if she is for real.
    “Brandy, you are the sweetest and honest person I have met in so long.  Your innocence is astonishing.  You have no idea how much I appreciate that.” He says so sincerely with his eyes still locked on hers.  She feels somewhat clueless because she’s that kind of honest person, hating to lie as much as she hates being lied to.  Believing strongly in always telling the truth no matter how painful it can be.
    Saved by the waitress showing up with our preordered lunch we politely disengage our conversation.  Cutting up her salad since time is limited she’s starving.  The bagel she had for breakfast has long been digested still having a full day ahead of her.  He watches her as she eats starting on his lunch of some kind of fish that is broiled and sweet smelling.  It really smells good so she has to ask since fish normally doesn’t smell delicious.
    “May I ask what you ordered; I’m not usually a fish person but that smells really good?” she inquires.  
    “Oh, this is one of the best fish you can ever eat.  One of my favorites, its red snapper, would you like to try a bite?”
    “Yes I would if you don’t mind, I have never had red snapper and it smells divine.” He cuts a small piece onto his fork holding it towards to her politely to take the bite.  It is simple but elegant in a way of his look as he feeds her the delightful bite of fish.  Their eyes meet and his seductive smile calmly smoothes over his face, what is he thinking as she gingerly takes the bite of fish from his fork.  The taste is as divine as the smell closing her eyes savoring it.  She will definitely order this if she has the chance.  Opening her eyes, he is staring at her with his beautiful blue eyes like he is soaking her in; rolling her eyes at him with a slight grin.
    “That was delicious; I’ll definitely order that if I ever go to a restaurant again that serves it.  My salad is very good also, but you have topped the cake.” smiling back at him.
    “Good, I like to be the cherry on top that you save for last!” he says playfully “So what are you doing today after work?   Do I have a chance of seeing you again?”  What a hopeful look he has and I melt for the zillionth time.  Her body screams yes please take her into those warm sexy arms but trying to keep this under control.
    “No real plans, I don’t have to work tomorrow and my finals for school are in the afternoon.  I usually like to study before the finals but I already finished the harder courses so I’m pretty much set.  Why what do you have in mind?” hopeful but remain calm.

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