Mammoth Secrets

Mammoth Secrets by Ashley Elizabeth Ludwig Page A

Book: Mammoth Secrets by Ashley Elizabeth Ludwig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Elizabeth Ludwig
Tags: Christian fiction
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reasons for relocating the Revival to within stumbling distance of the Carnival Reunion than any of them realized.
    “We’re here to be the light. So, let’s go down there and shine. I filled out the paperwork with the city parks, and we’re just waiting for an answer.”
    “So give it to him, Mayor!” Someone he didn’t recognize elbowed the late fifties woman in the dark blue pantsuit, front pew, center.
    She surveyed the others, let out a laugh, and nodded. “Is that what you all want?”
    Subtle mumbling at first, then murmurs.
    “If that’s what y’all want, that’s fine with the city council members?” Three nodded. The mayor stood up, giving her a head over the crowd, her voice strong and sure. “Mammoth’s fiftieth reunion will take place at the Cherokee Spring City Park.”
    Applause peppered the crowd, the atmosphere lightened. Their expressions were open, receptive to his idea. Including Lilah’s, lips pursed in silent wonder.
    Others sat, still as statues, as he called them back to silence, offered the benediction.
    But Naomi Dale’s challenging blue eyes chilled his blood like twin icicles.
    He’d wrangled a fair share of the crowd to his line of thinking, but not all.
    Not yet. And maybe, not ever.

    Eden swept the floor on Monday afternoon, before the dinner rush began. The lunch crowd had cleared out, except Luke Traynor, who apparently decided this was a good spot to wait for someone to need emergency services.
    Kimmy was late with the mail today. The soda cup left a water ring on the counter and Eden wiped it away. If only all messes could be cleaned that easy.
    “What’s spinning around in that brain of yours, Eden Dale?” Luke asked.
    Same dopey look, buzzed blond hair, but for that stubble of gold on his face, he could be seventeen, prom night, in that ill-fitting tuxedo.
    “I’m wondering why you park that infernal thing right in front of my window every blasted afternoon.”
    “I didn’t know you minded.”
    “You’ve gotta park it somewhere, I s’pose.” She swept up a pile near his feet. “But why here? Why not in front of the furniture place, or over across from the hardware store?”
    Luke’s gaze bored into hers, his deep, resonant drawl thrummed as he spoke. “I park it there because I need to keep it close. And, because I like to come in here and talk with you for some reason, though you hardly ever look me in the eye anymore.”
    He spoke the truth, like a stone to the heart. Just like Pastor Gibb’s sermon. His boyish adoration, the puppy-dog look she’d gotten so used to over the years, now transformed into something different. Something she didn’t like nearly as well.
    Blunt, focused, and sharp, he continued, “You’re so worried about those letters you write, about getting your mail, that you can’t even see what’s right in front of your face.”
    “What do you know about it?” She gave another halfhearted sweep.
    “Plenty.” Still seated, he lifted the small notepad out of her pocket.
    “Give that back!” She snatched for it, but he held it aloft, scanning the half-starts of letters to both Anthony and Eli.
    “You’re playing a dangerous game with those guys, Edie.” He circled an arm around her.
    “I’m not playing anything.”
    “So, the almost-homecoming queen still needs her court.” Luke tossed the pad to the table, retained his hold on her waist. “This isn’t high school. Those are real men, fighting over in some God-forsaken place, looking forward to a letter from a pretty girl. Hoping to meet her someday, maybe.”
    “Not everyone who joins the military’s exactly stable, Eden.” Luke’s warning jarred her.
    “Who’s gonna be around to protect you when you get yourself in a heap of trouble?” He let her go and pushed back his chair.
    Luke towered a head taller and a lot stronger as he captured her shoulders with broad hands. Why hadn’t she noticed how handsome he looked in his

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